I want to add on this reference thread the dead time issue in class D amplifiers.
The dead time is necessary to switch safely on transitions, both upper and lower switches go off the time the drivers delay difference and the switching transistors toggle. Nowadays the fastest can be obtained by using LMG1210 driver 3.5ns and GS61004 GaN transistor 1.5ns to have 5ns dead time.
IRF document AN1071 tutorial gives detailed explanation about it on page 9. As one can see the amplifier because of dead time is horribly nonlinear that any audiophile wouldent rime class d and audio amplifier together. I simulated the exaggerated aspect by 50ns dead time for 2Mhz switching and 1.1A ripple peak current as shown in the picture bellow. The max level the signal should end at 37v. The large flatt plateau is the time that the input signal must reach to modulate the switching pulse by 50ns.
The solutions for this problem have been applied either by increasing the gain or extending the pulse as is the case for TI TPA32XX ultra path series.
I made some measurements on simulated model for 200khz and 2Mhz With 5ns dead time and 1.1A ripple peak current. With 3.7v and 37v output I get the distortions
200Khz: 0.03% and 0.08%. 2Mhz 0.9% and 3.9% for 3.7v (in ZVS) and 37v (hard switching)
This is what one can get nowadays in open loop mode.
If audiophile version is required because class D amps have inherent low output impedance in open loop mode than lowest frequency need to be used along with 4th order linear phase output filter. If compact low cost is needed, than the 2Mhz is best suited for high speed closed loop >60db feedback. With feedback the flat plateau becomes slant but as slew rate saturation it looses high frequency signals contained.
Washboard musical instrument is the most difficult to reproduce with class D amps.
My proposition for dead time correction is the following:
The passage from ZVS to HS can be detected from the negative pulses on switched outputs on a full bridge see picture from youtube
. If one of outputs looses the negative pulse than the amp has switched from ZVS to HS and signals the triangle generator to add an offset, positive if negative side or inverse. As the offset depend only on dead time and the switching frequency than it is constant. Of course the stitching is never a perfection.