Senior Member
I have personally had very good experiences with the ICEpower 125ASX2 modules (125 WPC into 4 ohms). In the four (4) that I have built into various chassis zero (0) have failed. I did pay attention to the datasheet mounting requirements and I did NOT use any forced air ventilation - only convection airflow across the modules (cool air entering from below the chassis, flowing over the module, with the warmed air exiting out of the top of the chassis). Having said this the first ones I used now date back to a little over 10 years ago, with no failures. I don't want to jinx them but I think they will probably make it to 15 years. To me that is enough product life to justify the current low cost of those 125ASX2 modules. Nevertheless, most Class D modules are not very easy to troubleshoot and perform board level repairs on, as they're built for OEMs to simply remove and replace when they do eventually fail - like the AGA plate amp I am replacing now which failed at the 9 year point.Hi,
Looking for 2 channel amp to play a few hours 3-4 days a week. Would like to keep it for the next 10-15 years. Are class D amps today reliable enough to last that long without issues? Or should I go with AB amp? Don't really care one way or the other, but obviously my choice would be limited.
Are there any modules that are more reliable than others as far as D-amps go?
Class AB amps on the other hand were discrete component or chip builds with linear power supplies dating back several decades with zero (0) failures. I can't speak to Class AB amps available today as I'm not building them for audio any more - simply because I already have a large collection of them and cannot justify building or buying any more. Lately I am having fun building very high power non-audio amps around LDMOS transistors.