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CES 2017: Paradigm, Anthem


Staff Member
CFO (Chief Fun Officer)
Feb 13, 2016
Seattle Area
Did you make an appointment?

They may be preparing for someone who did.
I swear you are going to start a war between US and Canada with these comments. :D
Not to worry, There's no Canadians in Canada.
They're all down here in Florida with Ray and me. :cool:
Not to worry, There's no Canadians in Canada.
They're all down here in Florida with Ray and me. :cool:
Oh? So you are angry that they are cutting in front of you at the $5 Chinese buffet line you and Ray frequent down there???
Oh? So you are angry that they are cutting in front of you at the $5 Chinese buffet line you and Ray frequent down there???
Yep, you pretty much nailed it. LOL

Last year I stopped at the brand new Popeye's and got a little take out, once, since it was brand new. That was all.

The year before that I had a Burrito while waiting for Mother to have something done at the Hospital.

I spent enough years on the road to know what I'm not missing, but that ended fifteen years ago.

Fast food is a time saver (I spend none to be saved) or a Convenience (my kitchen is within aroma distance, and some Bún thịt nướng is being prepared for me here at Neverland East right now), but what's more convenient than sitting here typing and hearing the final stages of home preparation - the nước chấm just came out of the fridge, and, oh my, here it is in front of me...
I'll be heading over to Culvers for a triple cheeseburger and fries a bit later. Yummmmmm
We only have one Popeye's here and that is one too many. Used to love BoJangles before it went out of business when we lived in florida. Spicy chicken and dirty rice done right!

And yeh, give me a good Bánh mì sandwich and I will be in heaven! The French left a great legacy there and a very unusual one....
the nước chấm just came out of the fridge
OMG, Just followed that link. Why not go all the way with fish heads and rice.
Used to watch them eat that stuff in Nam, nev'er happ'in GI:eek:

Serious bro, something got badly twisted in your head, That stuff is bait for gator huntin.
Why not go all the way with fish heads and rice. Used to watch them eat that stuff in Nam.

They probably watched you, too, with an equivalent level of astonishment.



They probably watched you, too, with an equivalent level of astonishment.
I'm not sure if they have any meds to help you with that problem but it could be worth a try.
You're gonna end up with intestinal worms eatin that stuff.
They probably watched you, too, with an equivalent level of astonishment.
What you show there are actually WW 2 era K rations.
I lived on LRRP (long range recon patrol) rations.
Freeze dried stuff, just add water, heat with a burning piece of C4 plastic explosive and eat. Most were really pretty good.
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