I like the looks of those Cantons. I probably prefer them over my KEF R3s. However, I do not know what 'Reference' means. Maybe neutral, which does not necessarily mean good.
The problem with exchanging speakers (or other audio equipment) experiences is that it is highly subjective. Armin and this forum try to make that as objective as possible with measurements. For most electronic components this is relatively easy to do. With transducers, like speakers, it gets a little more complicated. However, it is possible to predict what most people will prefer in average listening rooms. And -maybe- more importantly, we can establish what a good starting point is for anybody who tries to achieve a good listen in his (or sometimes 'her' ;-)) room. But if you found that your audio nirvana has been achieved by attaching two 2 Klipsch towers upside down to the ceiling of your man cave, more power to you.
If you say that you prefer one make of speaker while comparing it to another make with similar measurements*), then most people here will accept that. It is your experience. If you say that therefore measurements do not tell the full story, then it becomes more complicated. It is true that anechoic measurements of just the speaker do not tell the full story. Also the interaction of the speaker with the room counts, different speaker designs will interact differently. But that also can be measured and can be -mostly- corrected if you want. Once you went through that process, you can probably equalize a good (measuring) speaker to meet you preference and match another good speaker (within reasonable limits).
I would argue that a 'good speaker' is a well-behaved speaker that can be equalized to preference and not necessarily a good sounding speaker in any specific situation. If I want to give any meaning to 'reference' that would be it.
What it comes down to is that it is not very helpful to put one speaker on a stand, listen to it for a while, put another speaker on that same stand, listen again for a while and decide which one is better. At best it is your taste, at worst it is just coincidence. Feel free to compare preferences but to make it relevant for more people than just you, measurements are necessary.
*) Different makes/designs will always measure slightly different when it comes to radiation patterns, distortion spectrum, amplifier load, etc, even if they are good.