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Bob's blog and all that jazz ...


Major Contributor
Feb 28, 2016
Canada West Coast/Vancouver Island/Victoria area
Very early this morning I was outside listening to the sounds of spring walking up one of the nearest mountains with view on the Pacific.

I feel closer, better grounded in my natural elements when climbing and listening to natural analogue sounds than mechanical ones reproduced inaccurately by my turntable in the basement. It is lovely, but not as lovely as the whisper from a woman in love.
It's a figure of speech to say how grounding is important in life.

The ground we walk on, the earth; I love walking barefoot on my lawn, in clean parks, @ the beach, anywhere everywhere, even @ home, even when watching movies and listening to music.

It's nice to have our space, our love, our peace, our friends; everyone is welcome in Bob's blog.
We can discuss grounding or multiverse it's all good to me...everything good between.

This could be the beginning of a beautiful journey ...

Next I will post a list of all my favorite life's subjects. That would take some time though, like a lifetime.
Who wants to know ...


Is this amazing or not all the data we give to Google so that they can protect us from the hackers, the perverts, the heartbreakers, the dealerships, the thieves, the violators, the bullies, the advertisement from hell.

I agree, using Google is a recipe for mass identity theft and huge privacy breach, all illegal in a society based on justice, laws, social human values, private act, human rights, ...all that jazz. Only the police should have all the information on the FBI, the CIA, the governments, ...all the criminals only, including drug dealers and hackers. And the police should be the judges, people of trust with power to jail the criminals above them who pay them to do their jobs and cash their cheques and their pensions.

Yes, I am humorous a little but with some dose of reality check.
Many criminals are walking free, and many innocents are getting wacked.

We're 7.6325 billions of us, we're running out of water and our oceans are shrinking.
That's the type of data Google should notify the authorities with, so that our engineers can build aquducs and better bridges that don't collapse.

In France they're marching for solidarity.
In China they're talking about resolutions.
In India they need more schools and education on human rights.
In Japan they're building confidence.
In Russia they invest in spies.
In America they want to abolish the news channels.
In Australia they age hiring more musicians and investing in solar energy.
In the UK they don't fool around.
In Ireland they want no borders within.
In Iceland they mind their own business.
In Africa they need our support and our expertise.
In South America they need to replant.
In the world they are googling everywhere.
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