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I found them on sale yesterday for $399 new. But I still passed by because there is an opinion about their metallic sound, the sudden death of the drivers and the lack of earpads in the whole world. It feels like both Drop and Focal have given up on this model and are selling off the last remaining stock from their warehouses.
Show me a piece of equipment some subjectivist hasn't called "metallic" and I'll show you a piece of equipment nobody's listened to. ;)

For $399 they are a good deal IMO. I've dropped mine on the floor a few times and they're still kicking. Earpads for the Clear or Elear could probably be used if need be.
Aune Ar5000 (no need for strong dac amp, budget, greate neutral sound with some warmth at low mids and some bass)
Audeze Maxwell (i think it's the best sounding closed planar headphones under 2000$. Unfortunately their convenience and build quality is realy bad: planar dies because closed constrution and their hadband is bad and does not distribute weight well on the head)
Hifiman Arya Stealth (king of convenience, with eq it sounds greate)
I have had the 560s, the Sundara and the Nano, after many hours of playing and EQing I preffer the Nano by far, it sounds impressive with an amazing sound stage and bass and sub bass extension.
I am very happy with my Altiat CAL1H. It is built like a tank and doesn't need EQ (Harman fit).
The man behind the CAL1H is Aumkar Chandan from Mumbay. He is also Mr. Kaldas Research
His latest child is the INOX

$ 400 (above)
$ 150 (below)

@Iridist for HD 560S do this;
go to Auto-EQ (Web app), select HD 560S crinacle from all (for the HATS and cuppler), select diffuse field 5128 (HATS) as target no smoothing (turn it off), tap/click the headphone icon to include error as it is now and adjust treble and slope as in screenshots afterwards. Select a EQ software target (Wavelet for example) listen to real time preview. Select EQ software you intend to use (convolver FIR minimum phase for best results is recommended and in as high sample rate hardware supports [for lower latency]) and download the result and enable/include it or do it by hand and that's about it.


Now you have more bass extension than you would ever had on HD 6xx series and better treble than on any of them and that's about it what you can do with HD 560S and very good for open back (as good as deacent home speakers) for more bass extension and going towards Harman over ear you will need a good closed back (like Denon AH-D5200 for example and Apple A2155 dongle in that case) if that's what you want.
Of course headphones won't ever sound like good tuned speakers (lack of room and refractions) so if that's possibility give it some thinking.
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