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Apple usb c to 3.5 giving loud white noise, help appreciated.


Senior Member
Forum Donor
May 22, 2020
I have an apple usb c to 3.5mm, that works well with my phone, but i need it on my windows pc. When i connect it via usb converter to my pc and play music, the music will stop and be replaced by white noise for a while and then it repeats over and over. I tried different ports, same difference.
Generic one, i had lying around, it just converts from usbc to the big usb.
Which program are you using to play music? Or does it happen with all of them, even with e.g. Youtube in your browser?
All jriver and qobuz
If you use Wasapi Exclusive in Jriver and Qobuz, and send audio to the Apple dongle at >48kHz sample rate, then what you've reported is a likely outcome.

If you're instead using the Wasapi Shared API or DirectSound, then I don't know what could cause your issue.
ahh, the elegant simplicity of the digital age...

... sorry, gotta yell at clouds sometimes, you know? I'm an old guy.
in jriver i tried all audio option wasapi and the others, same difference.
It seems like i have to use pc sound output or find a good measuring usb dongle that would be nice.
These are the ones I use, and works on the Apple adapter I've got for certain:

It's almost 100 percent chance your adapter is the problem if all the ports have the same problem.
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