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A Call For Humor!

“… condescending grammar nazi…”

I am considering adopting the above to my tag line. Whilst I do not correct the scrivenings of others, I do attempt to be correct in my own grammar and punctuation.

I also suscribe to the paper edition of the Wall Street Journal and numerous magazines. I also prefer the actual paper copy (hard bound is better) over electronic editions - I suppose I am a living anachronism. I do admit to one advantage of the electronic editions, that being, in most cases, I can highlight a word or phrase that I need defining and get the meaning on-screen immediately.

Rant off…

This belongs here as well, found in another topic
In my school, it was a Bell & Howell Film-O-Sound.
I am just sayin'.

Ahem. I've probably told this story before. When I was in grad school (1980s), film projectors (and people who knew how to run them) were on their last legs. The Biology dep't was in a really nice new building by the mid 1980s. It was widely known :facepalm: that I was one of the few remaining denizens of the dep't who knew how to thread film correctly through "our" Bell & Howell. Once in a while, our dep't coordinator would mosey in to the lab and sheepishly ask me if I could drop whatever I was working on and set up the projector for some course, lecture, or presentation.
I would virtually always comply, because she was a very nice person and also very beautiful. :)

shark nerds.jpg

Then it's not green
"Wind and solar energy made up a record share of the European Union's (EU) electricity generation in the first half of 2024, overtaking fossil fuels for the first time, a new report has unveiled.6 aug. 2024"

"U.S. Wind and Solar Are on Track to Overtake Coal This Year"

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