
  1. maty

    [MEASUREMENTS and impressions] A dive into DIGITAL interlinks – coaxial cables

    Objective (measurements) + subjective A dive into digital interlinks - coaxial cables, by Jaap https://alpha-audio.net/background/a-dive-into-digital-interlinks-coaxial-cables/
  2. JunkHippo

    Noisy digital audio on LG TVs

    Dear audio science enthusiasts, I recently got one of those popular LG C1 TVs. Since I only have a stereo system, but several HDMI sources plus using the TV's apps, I went the easiest audio route for my setup: (source) -> TV -> optical out (PCM) -> DAC -> analog Preamp As I realized only after...
  3. pkane

    Surprise findings on Ethernet cables/cleaners/reclockers

    This was posted on another forum (in German): Ethernet Infrastructure Measurements - Switches https://www.open-end-music.com/forum/privatforen/thomas-michael-rudolph-tmr/651284-messungen-von-ethernet-infrastruktur-switches-nur-lesen Use Google translate if you need help reading it. Eric, the...
  4. W

    What is jitter in "jitter noise measurement"-section

    We all know that jitter is bad and no jitter is good, but lately I've been starting to wonder what kind of jitter is this section actually measuring. When people ask what is jitter we usually get the wikipedia answer. It's shift in time signature or clock fluctuation. This I understand. And I...
  5. R

    Importance of USB audio stream latency?...

    Hi all, I have signed up only very recently, I hope I'm not posting on the wrong forum/sub-forum, please redirect me to the right one in case, thanks. I'm a happy owner of a DX7 Pro DAC, it is an awesome device and I couldn't be happier. In my system I stream audio to the DAC from a mini-itx...
  6. pma

    Review and Measurements of the Roland UA-22 Duo-Capture Ex USB Audio Interface

    This is a review and detailed measurements of the Roland UA-22 Duo-Capture Ex USB Audio Interface (DAC/ADC). I bought it in the year 2015 as a small interface to make 2-channel microphone recordings in the field. The Duo-Capture costed about US $140. Duo-Capture has 2 balanced inputs, XLR/TRS...
  7. Blumlein 88

    Review and measurement of Emotiva UMC200 pre/pro

    We'll start with the 12 khz Jtest in a 32k FFT. And what a graph it is. Yes, the horrid looking result is over coax connection. The peak jitter spikes are at – 65 dbFS. There are lots of them not much lower than that, and a wide area is raised by random jitter noise too. The spacing on the...
  8. amirm

    Understanding HDMI and Potential for HDMI Cable Differences

    I post this elsewhere but I am highlighting this in its own thread given the amount of misinformation on both sides of the fence on this topic: ---- Unfortunately he makes some serious technical errors in his argument: "The other really great thing about a digital system like HDMI is that...
  9. amirm

    Audibility of Small Distortions

    This is an article I wrote for Widescreen Review Magazine which came out a couple of years ago. This is a revised and updated version. ---- Audibility of Small Distortions By Amir Majidimehr Spend five minutes in any audio forum and you immediately run into food fights over audibility of small...
  10. amirm

    A Deep Dive into HDMI Audio Performance

    Note: this is a slightly revised version of an article I wrote for the Widescreen Review Magazine. It was published in January 2014 I think. ----- A Deep Dive into HDMI Audio Performance Sometimes I feel that digital audio is the most misunderstood technology around. If I asked you how a TV...
  11. amirm

    Computer Activity Can Impact DAC Performance

    My son bought a Schiit BiFrost $400 DAC that claimed to have async USB support but immediately found out that he got PC noise through it just like his other solutions. So I instrumented it and this is what I found. Feeding it a single tone over S/PDIF: I wouldn't expect this kind of jitter...
  12. amirm

    Yet another look at Jitter: Clock Extraction

    I hope you are not getting tired of jitter talk because I have more info to share :). One of the common arguments made against jitter mattering is that: "the data is buffered and clock regenerated in the DAC so jitter won't be there." This makes all the sense in the world. Once we capture the...
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