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Why do you think a few members have an 'alcoholic anonymous' vibe towards the audiophile community? It seems a harmless hobby as far as things go?

Property taxes are interesting here. We have no state income tax. Local school systems are funded entirely by town property taxes.
For a variety of technical and practical reasons -- yes, our taxes are very, very high.
We still love it here (well, I do, at any rate).
It is, unfortunately, not cheap to live in the northeastern US.
I have no idea how anyone can afford to live in Boston. And I was born there.
And not like a lot of the energy companies are striving for the future particularly, or efficiency or lowest emissions, etc
So that's what they should do instead of trying to stay viable by keeping current consumer prices as low as possible?
Waste their money & resources on other things that drive costs up?
A'mmm, no.
That's part of how we got here in the first place.
I cannot afford to live in Boston (well, except in squalor -- but even that's pricey)! ;)
Quite so.

Fortunately I live in Colorado now. My landlady is about as reasonable and responsive as you could ask for. And it's much cheaper than anywhere in Massachusetts.
So that's what they should do instead of trying to stay viable by keeping current consumer prices as low as possible?
Waste their money & resources on other things that drive costs up?
A'mmm, no.
That's part of how we got here in the first place.
I might have missed it 24 pages deep, but many of the people that get sucked into audiophilia are high achievers in other areas. They have the money to spend on gadgets, so likely successful professionally. Or they have a high interest in gadgets and consider themselves technically minded.

A little exploration, reading reviews, well-intended auditions and they find themselves a few thousand dollars poorer but enjoying the hobby.

They eventually are further enlightened about the reality of the industry (from ASR or elsewhere) and that their prior purchases were likely misguided. They were duped, and find themselves in unfamiliar territory with injured pride.

They now feel reformed, maybe jaded, and don’t want others to be gullible the way they were. It all adds up to me. No addiction necessary, but still a commonality of reform.
I was reformed after I saw a copy of The Audio Critic at a newsstand in Denver. It wasn't the complete end of foolish purchases - I need hitting upside the head with a 2X4, usually. But the late Peter Aczel remains a god to me. For all the right reasons.
Let's move away from all things not related to audio please . Especially energy prices /cost of living discussions as we are bordering on the political . Thanks
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