Hello all,
As I am typing this my Schiit Modi/Magni stack has been collecting dust for the last 6 months (Magni is busted) and it is more than time for a DAC/AMP upgrade that would
pair great with something like an Audeze LCD-X, Hifiman Arya Organic, or Focal Clear MG!
I had been looking at the A70/D70 Pro and almost pulled the trigger, then got cold feet due to some negative reviews. It is still in the running (thinking maybe Pro Sabre over Octo), but I also learned about the DX9 and it looks like a cool little unit. Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be as many reviews of it, but the reviews that are out there seem to like how it sounds over the A70/D70 Pro.
So from what you have experienced/know/heard which sounds better? Would a DX9 be a better investment than the A70/D70 Pro with the above headphones for someone who mainly listens to rock/metal? This would be a long term investment so I also have to consider something that would pair well with even more expensive headphones.
Or should I save my money and just go with a Schiit Modius/Midgard? The brand new Geshelli Erish 3 Pro also looks good (although not as powerful as the others).
I'm pulling my hair trying to decide what is best with a budget of around $1500. I know sound can be subjective, but I think this is a good place to hash out these options with their different pros/cons.
Thank you from a somewhat newbie Audiophile!
As I am typing this my Schiit Modi/Magni stack has been collecting dust for the last 6 months (Magni is busted) and it is more than time for a DAC/AMP upgrade that would
pair great with something like an Audeze LCD-X, Hifiman Arya Organic, or Focal Clear MG!
I had been looking at the A70/D70 Pro and almost pulled the trigger, then got cold feet due to some negative reviews. It is still in the running (thinking maybe Pro Sabre over Octo), but I also learned about the DX9 and it looks like a cool little unit. Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be as many reviews of it, but the reviews that are out there seem to like how it sounds over the A70/D70 Pro.
So from what you have experienced/know/heard which sounds better? Would a DX9 be a better investment than the A70/D70 Pro with the above headphones for someone who mainly listens to rock/metal? This would be a long term investment so I also have to consider something that would pair well with even more expensive headphones.
Or should I save my money and just go with a Schiit Modius/Midgard? The brand new Geshelli Erish 3 Pro also looks good (although not as powerful as the others).
I'm pulling my hair trying to decide what is best with a budget of around $1500. I know sound can be subjective, but I think this is a good place to hash out these options with their different pros/cons.
Thank you from a somewhat newbie Audiophile!