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Subwoofer for equal loudness compensation


Sep 1, 2020
Perhaps I’m more of a basshead than I thought, but I listen to music in the 60-70dB range and would like to feel some more rumble in my room.

My mains are the Revel Salon 2, powered by NC400 monoblocks with a MiniDSP SHD as the source. My room is ~3500 cubic feet

My current sub is a RSL Speedwoofer 10s MKII, from before I upgraded my mains. I’m reasonably close to the Rythmik HQ, so I could probably save a couple hundred on a sub there by doing local pickup.

I’ll keep trying out different placement for my current sub before buying an upgrade, but recommendations are appreciated. I’d like to know what sub I should get but other advice and recommendations are appreciated.

Have you tried without subwoofer, running the Salons full range with a bit of EQ in the bass area via. your miniDSP?

Your current sub I don't know but is it a 10" ? -It doesn't do s*** in your relatively large room. :) Especially compared to what I would imagine your Salons could if provided with a bit of "encouragement" in form af a low frequency shelf. Look at the calculations below. They calculate the surface area of different driver sizes. It is not absolutely accurate due to different drivers suspensions etc. but it is good enough to put things into perspective.
The first row is akin to your Salons cone area (3 x 8" bass drivers in each speaker)
Look at the single 10" compared to that. To surpass what your main speakers combined cone area is you are counting three 12" drivers.

Yeah I don’t know how I missed something that obvious. Given my listening levels I do have power to spare to add a bass shelf.

Guess my subwoofer can move to my PC setup or something. Thanks for the advice!
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