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SMLS C200 Stops Working When I Remove My Headphones


Apr 21, 2020
Hi all,
I received the smsl C200 for Christmas from my wife. First off I'll say that the sound quality and functionality of this device is amazing. But...whenever I'm using the headphone out with my HD600's I lose all sound when I remove my headphones. It happens almost all of the time and will not come back unless I power cycle the device. Could this be static electricity causing this and if so can someone explain why or if there is a way to prevent it? Im stumped?
Does it also occur when you switch on the C200 with headphones disconnected and then plug them in? If yes it could be due to the fact that plugging in/out a TRS connector creates a temporary short from output to ground [don't ask how I got to know this :facepalm:] which triggers a safety circuit.
Does it also occur when you switch on the C200 with headphones disconnected and then plug them in? If yes it could be due to the fact that plugging in/out a TRS connector creates a temporary short from output to ground [don't ask how I got to know this :facepalm:] which triggers a safety circuit.
I haven't tried that. I will do that later tonight and see what happens and report back. Thanks for the suggestion.
Does it also occur when you switch on the C200 with headphones disconnected and then plug them in? If yes it could be due to the fact that plugging in/out a TRS connector creates a temporary short from output to ground [don't ask how I got to know this :facepalm:] which triggers a safety circuit.
So I tried what used suggested to no avail. It does not cut out when inserting the headphone jack whether they are on my head or off. I'm so confused as to why this is happening. Also it does no matter what input I use, this happens regardless.
So basically, the issue only happens when you are physically taking the headphones off? That does very much suggest static electricity (do you have very dry air normally, and/or problematic flooring?), but I am stumped as to why that would be bothering the DAC that much, which seems to be an IEC Class I device. There's not really a whole lot of current going on during static discharge. I guess you're not touching the volume knob? If there's any spot that I would consider viable for potentially upsetting the unit, that's probably it.
I do have the same issue, and it seems like it may be the static discharge as well: I have a pair of slippers that favors static charges buildup and when touching the metal frame of my DT 770 Pro, the SMSL C200 sometimes stops instantly, and only a power cycle seems to solve the issue...
i recently bought this and have a somewhat similar issue. first time i thought i was imagining things, but it happened a second time just now.

i have the unit on my stereo amp via rca. just now i switched to my iem's with the dac in headphone mode. i forgot to turn off my amp though. noticed after a couple minutes. i turned off the amp and at the same time, the iem's would turn silent. only a power cycle on the dac resolved this.

so, how is this possible or what's going on there? i just got the unit and could luckily still return it which would be a bummer though, because i really like how it sounds.
I have a C200, and I have always had to manually switch between headphone out and line out mode. The display shows "Ho" for headphone out and "Lo" for line out. The "FN" button on the remote changes between the two modes with a short press.
EDIT apologies I've misunderstood what was going on. I've found a similar behaviour in mine. Unplugging the headphones seemed to shut off sound output until it's reset. Weird.
EDIT2 Tried again, this time run the headphones, unplugged them, and switched to Line Out mode - sound came from speakers as expected. Plugged the phones back in and switched back to Headphone mode, and they were working fine. It seems a tricky behaviour to pin down exactly. Perhaps it is static related as I do find myself getting quite a few static shocks at the moment if I'm wearing trainers inside...
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So this is a super weird one.
I stumbled across this post because when I get up and sit back down, my new C200 would sometimes have stopped playing audio and I'd have to reset it like previously described.
When I was sitting at my desk for hours everything was fine tho.

Earlier today I got up and simultaneously my Monitor and the C200 shut off.
The monitor has been getting black screens for a second every now and again, but never when I was working with it, so it didn't bother me.
After some more investigating I'm pretty sure the issue is EMI buildup in my chair, as referenced here: https://www.theregister.com/2020/01... sit,Dell's DisplayLink support site explains.

Something in one of my monitors and the C200 seems to be particularly sensitive to those EMI transmissions, as my other DACs and monitors are not affected.

do you by any chance use the ikea markus chair? i got this about a year or so ago and while i didn't notice it creating issues with pc equipment, i sure as heck would often get electric shocks when touching the arm rests. i resolved this by putting a (cotton) towel on the seat.

but, yea, in terms of the c200, it's likely a protective circuit in the unit that may be very sensitive. i suppose this can also be a good thing, because it does what it's supposed to. protect the unit. when it doesn't happend too often and a simple power cycle fixes it, then i don't mind it that much actually.
do you by any chance use the ikea markus chair? i got this about a year or so ago and while i didn't notice it creating issues with pc equipment, i sure as heck would often get electric shocks when touching the arm rests. i resolved this by putting a (cotton) towel on the seat.

but, yea, in terms of the c200, it's likely a protective circuit in the unit that may be very sensitive. i suppose this can also be a good thing, because it does what it's supposed to. protect the unit. when it doesn't happend too often and a simple power cycle fixes it, then i don't mind it that much actually.
I have a Backforce One Plus, no electric shocks since I never touch any metal parts on it, everything is cloth.

I agree about the protection not being a problem, I'm just glad I figured it out and I don't have a defective device.
Just want to say I was having the exact same issue and found this thread by searching for it - I'd take my headphones off, then go to put them back on and my audio was out. I'd have to power cycle the device to get it back, nothing else worked.

Incidentally it started happening after I made some changes to my desk area, in particular adding some carpet squares and moving the PC up on the desk. But I also made some other changes, I just noticed I had it in a different USB port than usual, plus I hooked up my VR etc. But it's good to know it's not just my device as I was about to warranty it.
We have already received the situation and we are preparing the relevant firmware to fix the problem. Thanks

do you have an ETA and can you tell us what caused the issue exactly?

because right now i'm getting the topping dx3 pro+ instead of the c200. i'd really like to stick to the c200 though, if this firmware update actually fixes the issue. and also if amazon germany has it in stock again. currently it's unavailable.
Yes it would be useful to know exactly what you've determined the cause is. Is it an intentional protection mechanism that is failing to auto-reset, for example? I've never encountered a consumer electronics device so sensitive to static.
Also wondering if there is any news on the firmware fix. If so I will be buying this.
We have already received the situation and we are preparing the relevant firmware to fix the problem. Thanks
I don't yet see a firmware update at the SMSL website

Can you confirm SMSL is still working on a firmware update to fix the problem ?

I don't yet see a firmware update at the SMSL website

Can you confirm SMSL is still working on a firmware update to fix the problem ?

I don't yet see a firmware update at the SMSL website

Can you confirm SMSL is still working on a firmware update to fix the problem ?

The firmware is being uploaded to the official website. You will be able to check the latest firmware for C200 in a moment. You can upgrade it from the official website

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