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OK, what are you guys buying yourselves for Christmas?

I wonder why nobody ever thought to do an audiophile advent calendar - we have them for beer, cosmetics , gin, Nespresso - every little day could bring a moment of snake oil magic to your Christmas :) Look hun , I got an RFI reducing crystal !

Ironically this was given to me by my wife today….

I'm really bad at not cheating my way through advent calendars. Or maybe time just moves faster for me which is why I'm always days ahead of everyone else. :oops:
Beats me whether you'd call it a gift, but I'm spending the winter in the tropics. :p There's ramen, katsu curry, bibimbap and other tasty things to eat out here.

Considering how much effort I put into selling off stuff in 2020-23, I don't want to re-clutter my life too quickly!
I am at a point where your desires extend beyond material possessions, focusing more on experiences and well-being. As one matures, the appreciation for intangible gifts such as health, the ability to travel to beautiful places, savoring fine cuisine, and indulging in the joys of music and art becomes more pronounced. These non-material aspects enrich life in profound ways, providing a deeper sense of fulfillment and happiness.
I'll buy (download) some good music to enjoy the X-mas days....

I was considering acquiring a new subwoofer, but after the excellent results I obtained with my pair of Dayton Audio SUB-1500 (Cheap at around $250 , each) plus a miniDSP 2x4 HD, set up with parameters from REW and MSO, I don't feel the need and measures seem to confirm it: bass is flat to 19 Hz ...Thus, a pair of Revel F208 ?? :( The stars must however align perfectly, for this to happen :)

And the jar of my trusty , 12 years old Vitamix blender, just broke... I will replace the jar ... with a new Vitamix blender bundle, that comes with regular (64 Oz.)+ "personal" containers. :)

Happy holidays to you People

Maybe ZMF Bokeh. I'd like to see some measurements before parting with my cash though.
at Christmas time we often listen to classic vinyl records in the glow of the tube amplifiers
Very romantic and nostalgic, but after several years on and several versions off “tubes” (daily from 08:00 to about 23:00) I decided to use less energy consuming equipment. Maybe less nostalgic but same (or better) quality and better for my own wallet as for the global environment. I agree with your wife about the oratorios.
Very romantic and nostalgic, but after several years on and several versions off “tubes” (daily from 08:00 to about 23:00) I decided to use less energy consuming equipment. Maybe less nostalgic but same (or better) quality and better for my own wallet as for the global environment. I agree with your wife about the oratorios.
Good point. I very much agree with that too and think the same.

The tubes are only on for ceremonial listening. Otherwise, we both listen to digital sources in our rooms with JBL 305pII monitors and small, energy-saving computers. The JBL's have digital amplifiers and a standby function. These things are actually very important to me.
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Wow, these are expensive guitars.
Not, wow those are nice? You aren't the person I'd have expected to go straight to pricing. They are top tier production instruments with exceptional performance. And if your triodes are allowed to have an animist spirit in them then so are my acoustics.
Not, wow those are nice? You aren't the person I'd have expected to go straight to pricing. They are top tier production instruments with exceptional performance. And if your triodes are allowed to have an animist spirit in them then so are my acoustics.
At the moment it looks to me as if I can no longer please anyone in the forum with my answers. Bad times! :(;)

Out of interest, because I wanted to know what it was actually about, I googled it and saw the price. In the end, it's probably more about the sound of these guitars. Isn't it?
I once had a Yamaha acoustic guitar with steel strings myself, but it was a simpler model.
I don't know if your wife is an alt, mezzo or soprano, but may I recomment an album:

Thanks, I'll listen to it later. Now I have to go and buy some fir branches. Some of them are used to cover places in the garden, others to decorate the room. That's also a typical activity at this time of year.
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