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Music to Cry For


Major Contributor
Feb 28, 2016
Dallas, Texas
I’m man enough to admit it. I occasionally cry tears of joy or sorrow listening to certain recordings. These are the most spine tingling and emotional pieces in my collection. What are your favorite tear jerkers?

I’ll start with the Antonin Dvorak Te Deum:
Dvorák: Te Deum; Psalm 149 In Nature's Realm; Overtures https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00009Y3SY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_veDPAbZ20B2AX
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Mozart's Requiem

  1. (especially in the Roman Catholic Church) a Mass for the repose of the souls of the dead.

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Does music from motion pictures count?
If not then Opera music has some of the most highest level of emotional broken heart to me; it can make me cry a river.

If it counts, then:

...Just quick out of the blue; there are several films that @ the end when the rolling credits start rolling the song that plays will make me cry.
It's hard to remember but I can if I put my soul into it.
Whenever I play a Secret Garden album my wife calls it my 'crying music'.
She is right but I just can't help myself sometimes.
Fionnuala Sherry and Rolf Lovland.
What a team, what a pair.

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"Sumother Song" by Kenny Wheeler, from "Deer Wan"
"What's Going On" by Marvin Gaye, from "What's Going On"
la Catedral by Agustin Barrios "Mangore". A masterwork for classical guitar written by a posthumously famous Paraguayan.
There are many versions on YouTube including piano and orchestral transcriptions.
This one is quite satisfactory.

Preludio saudade
Andante solemnis
Allegro religioso

or Yamashita's version

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Always found that Barber's Adagio for Strings has something of a feeling like you're silently accepting your faith with sadness.... like looking at the world and seeing all the damage humankind does/did to it and accepting it might be too late to turn the tide and you can do little about it. Would fit perfectly under a documentary some future civilisation makes showing how humans and their world came to an end.
Apparently the English language has a word for that: Acquiescence

Another one of those contemplation pieces "Max Richter - On the Nature of Daylight"
Has all the ingredients with a slow build-up to evoke an emotion, especially when used in a docu or movie at the right moment.
(p.s. what is that at 3:50 playing off key? a harmonica or an oopsie on a violin?)
The track was not written for film (Iraq war protest rather), but has been used in so many films it's becoming a cliché by now.
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Lots of opera here. I'll go another direction. Guitar solos can really get me-Rush 2112, the solo toward the end of that song just evokes tremendous sadness. At the 16 minute mark.
Hokey Sting but pretty much any song that addresses social injustice in a substantiative way....

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