I've been building speakers for about 15 years - this combines my love for audio and woodworking. 
These have all been 2 way desktop and small MTM configurations.
About 7 years ago I set out to build a large set of 3 ways. (or 2 way with subs)
Unfortunately things got in the way: moving 3 times, switch careers and now a very demanding 5 year old son.... you know, the usual curve balls that constitue life.
The parts are all still here waiting to be rebuilt after a few less successful attempts
Tweeters: Heil AMT1 - the ESS website shows the SPL at 96 db, but other sites show as high as 107
Mids: 4 Scanspeak 18W/8545 - 88 db
Subs: 4 Scanspeak 23W/4557t02 - these are very inefficient at 83 db
The tops were built as MTM, which is a bit challenging with the AMT-1. So they look like this.
The current attempt is tri-amped with a Behringer active crossover, Crown D-75 amps.
(the sub module is in storage with a Crown K1 amp)
The challenge has always been matching the levels between the tweeters and sub.
Once I get the amps and crossover hooked up, there always hissing in the tweeter.
And admittedly, the Behringer is not a great unit - and it likely the culpret.
Input is my old Mac Pro, from 2012, which acts as a music server in my house.
I would like go digital out, direct to an DAC/XO solution and keep the whole path digital until the amps.
Currently, the Emotiva XDA-2 is the DAC (and remote), so analog out, to the Beringer crossover (so converted back to digital, the analog again) and as far as I have worked out is responsible for the hiss.
So I have been researching the Hypex FA lineup.
And this morning read the other thread here reviewing the newest amp with great interest.
Seems like the FA253 would be a great solution.
1 - digital all the way.
2 - enough power
3 - built in crossover w an external PC interface (I "think" I still have a PC around somewhere....)
4 - remote capable
5 - a compact packaging solution - its all in the speaker and I can get rid of the stack of amps & stuff.
The only issue I see is that a Mac's dont have an output for TOSLink or S/SDIF - so I would need some interface.
The Emotiva unfortunately does not have a digital out.
Does this seem like a reasonable plan?
Would I need to consider anything else?
Thanks for any feedback
These have all been 2 way desktop and small MTM configurations.
About 7 years ago I set out to build a large set of 3 ways. (or 2 way with subs)
Unfortunately things got in the way: moving 3 times, switch careers and now a very demanding 5 year old son.... you know, the usual curve balls that constitue life.
The parts are all still here waiting to be rebuilt after a few less successful attempts
Tweeters: Heil AMT1 - the ESS website shows the SPL at 96 db, but other sites show as high as 107
Mids: 4 Scanspeak 18W/8545 - 88 db
Subs: 4 Scanspeak 23W/4557t02 - these are very inefficient at 83 db
The tops were built as MTM, which is a bit challenging with the AMT-1. So they look like this.
The current attempt is tri-amped with a Behringer active crossover, Crown D-75 amps.
(the sub module is in storage with a Crown K1 amp)
The challenge has always been matching the levels between the tweeters and sub.
Once I get the amps and crossover hooked up, there always hissing in the tweeter.
And admittedly, the Behringer is not a great unit - and it likely the culpret.
Input is my old Mac Pro, from 2012, which acts as a music server in my house.
I would like go digital out, direct to an DAC/XO solution and keep the whole path digital until the amps.
Currently, the Emotiva XDA-2 is the DAC (and remote), so analog out, to the Beringer crossover (so converted back to digital, the analog again) and as far as I have worked out is responsible for the hiss.
So I have been researching the Hypex FA lineup.
And this morning read the other thread here reviewing the newest amp with great interest.
Seems like the FA253 would be a great solution.
1 - digital all the way.
2 - enough power
3 - built in crossover w an external PC interface (I "think" I still have a PC around somewhere....)
4 - remote capable
5 - a compact packaging solution - its all in the speaker and I can get rid of the stack of amps & stuff.
The only issue I see is that a Mac's dont have an output for TOSLink or S/SDIF - so I would need some interface.
The Emotiva unfortunately does not have a digital out.
Does this seem like a reasonable plan?
Would I need to consider anything else?
Thanks for any feedback