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Connecting two speakers to my behringer phoria umc1820 sound card to give the highest output

Maybe I'm reading this thread wrong, but you're trying to drive passive speakers with the headphone output of your audio interface.
You need to purchase an external amplifier to drive your speakers. Your audio chain needs to be: audio interface -> audio amplifier -> speakers.
Yes that’s the impression I get too and that of course won’t work.

I would guess a power amp of 50W upwards already would do wonders. Unfortunately I can’t see a sensitivity spec for the speakers. Just that 90dB seems to be the max recommended SPL, but that is dubious too.

This might already be a good enough budget option with a gain of ca 26dB and up to 80 plus W with the larger power supply.
Thread 'Fosi Audio V3 Amplifier Review'
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Belki bu konuyu yanlış okuyorum ama siz ses arayüzünüzün kulaklık çıkışıyla pasif hoparlörleri çalıştırmaya çalışıyorsunuz.
Hoparlörlerinizi çalıştırmak için harici bir amplifikatör satın almanız gerekir. Ses zincirinizin şu şekilde olması gerekir: ses arabirimi -> ses yükseltici -> hoparlörler.
evet tam olarak öyle. Aslında ses kartımda canlı preamp var.
Do you guys have any amplifiers you can recommend?
Friends, I will ask one last question. What can you suggest me if I want to use an active speaker?
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