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Comb Filter Effects


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Technical Expert
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Mar 15, 2016
Monument, CO
<This is a repost of an old thread on a timeless subject.>

Comb filter effects are a popular topic of discussion among audiophiles (and many others, of course). However, some audiophiles may not have a good concept of what they look like, why they may (or may not) be bad, and what they can do about them. Or even if they have them and need to do anything about them.

Picture the signal from the speaker as a single sine wave. Two, speakers, two sound waves. If they are in phase, then adding them together simply doubles the amplitude at every point. If you have two speakers playing the same signal at the same level, and are equidistant from them, then you will hear the signal twice as loudly as if a single speaker was playing. Or will you? It’s complicated…

The figure below shows two 1 kHz sine waves generated by two speakers, but one is 3” further away from the listener. The red line is from the closer speaker and the dashed blue line is the signal from the farther speaker. Clearly there is a difference in phase between the two signals, and if we add them together at each point in time (t is relative in this plot), we will not get a doubling in amplitude.


Remember wavelength is related to frequency and lower frequencies have longer wavelength. If we change the frequency to 100 Hz, there is less phase shift, since the distance is smaller compared to the wavelength. Their sum would still not quite double, but it would be close.


Take that same 3” difference and look at 2 kHz, and now the waves are nearly 180 degrees shifted in phase. Add them together and they will nearly completely cancel. Ouch!


So, if there is a path difference between two speakers, and we sum their outputs at the listening position, what we hear depends upon the difference in distance and the frequency. The figure below shows three plots: red is two identical 1 kHz signals summed from two equidistant speakers, dotted blue is the result when one speaker is 3” farther away, and dashed brown is the result with the same 3” difference in distance but at 2 kHz. You can clearly see how the amplitude changes.


OK, so if we sweep frequency, what happens? At different frequencies the signals will add in phase, out of phase, or someplace in between. In phase, we expect the signal to double, a 6 dB increase. Completely (180 degrees) out of phase, they will cancel –infinity dB). Now we know the amplitude will depend upon both the frequency and difference in distance to the listener. Below shows the response from two identical sources (dark green), the result when one is just 1” further away (blue), and when one is 6” further away (red). You can see the dips in frequency when the difference in distance causes the signals to cancel at the listening position.


Why “comb filter”? Look at the same plot but using linear (even) frequency steps instead of the logarithmic plot we are used to seeing. Looks like a comb, yes? Whenever the distance is such that the signal from the two speakers is out of phase, then you will get another tine on the comb where the signal cancels and amplitude drops to 0 (-infinite dB).


Now, the signal is completely out of phase when the distance shifts the signal one-half the period of sine wave. Since sound travels at about 1127’/s (standard conditions), then the first dip or tine will happen at

Frequency of first dip = (difference in distance in feet) / (1127’/s * 1/2)

So 1” means the first dip (tine) is around 6.8 kHz, and 6” difference means the first dip is around 1.127 kHz. The dips occur at odd multiples (3, 5, 7…) after that, so for 6” we see dips at 1.1 kHz, 3.4 kHz, 5.6 kHz, and so forth. At even multiples the signal is back in phase with the original and does not cancel.

Do you have comb filtering? Well, yes, no matter how well-treated your room might be. There are several things that can cause comb filter effects:
  • Two speakers not equidistant to the listener;
  • Variations in speakers or other components that cause phase differences in the signal path;
  • Reflected signals adding to the main signals;
  • Other path differences that induce delays between the two sources.
The first one is pretty obvious and is what the previous plots have shown. That is one of the argument for hyperaccuracy in placing speakers from the listener. The same thing can happen if, for instance, there is some difference in the AVR, preamp, amplifier, crossover, etc. that causes a phase shift between the left and right speakers (point number two). Number three is coupled with the room treatment debate; reflective surfaces add signals that can cause comb filter effects. Note that studies have shown that if the delay is small, we cannot really isolate the signals, and if the delay is large, we hear them as separate sources. Psychoacoustics is not my field so you’ll have to ask somebody else to explain that.

One of the “other path differences” that happens in the real world is the space between our ears. Not our brains, though that is important, but the distance from one ear to the other. If your ears are 6” apart, then you hear the signal from one speaker the equivalent of 6” “later” than the signal from the other, thus creating your own little comb filter. Toole and many others have discussed this and its impact. It is easily calculated, and/or measured, but there is some debate its impact. Some argue this is a fundamental problem with stereo speakers and there is no way around it; others claim our brain processes the two signals, accounts for the delay, and so we do not really “hear” the dips. When I measure and listen, I can easily hear the comb filter effects from the rear wave of my dipoles (more on that later), and hear how they are gone when I absorb the rear wave, but do not seem to hear dips from a mono signal played from two speakers. I could easily be fooling myself, of course, since I know what I am feeding the speakers and how they are set up. See previous psychoacoustics disclaimer and note I have not kept up in that area (maybe when I retire).

I do not want to get into that debate, but can delve into reflections. Reflections add a couple of variable not discussed so far:
  • When a signal hits a boundary and reflects, the reflected wave can cancel the original wave as it travels away from the boundary; and,
  • Unless the boundary is a perfect reflector there will be some attenuation of the reflected wave.
Note that the previous plots assumed no difference in attenuation between the two signals. For the distances in a typical room that is a reasonable assumption; while there may be measurable attenuation due to dispersion and other factors, the difference in sound levels at our ears from two nearly-equidistant speakers is minimal (I assumed negligible). However, walls are rarely perfect reflectors, so there is always a little energy lost. That is why the nulls from boundary reflections are not infinitely deep in the real world, though I have seen 30 to 40 dB or more in practice.

Consider a single speaker 9’ away from the listener with a wall a couple of feet away. The reflected path is about 12.7’ long, and the signal inverts at the boundary (wall). The resulting frequency response is shown in the next plot. The first null is at 304 Hz and they occur at every (not just odd) frequency multiple upwards (due to the phase inversion from the reflection). Also note that at very low frequencies the response is impacted by the signal interactions, reducing LF response. What this does not show is the impact of the extra delay on the signal. The path difference of 3.7’ is a time delay of about 3.3 ms. See Haas Effect (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precedence_effect) to see how we might resolve the delay (we typically do not perceive single events 1 ~ 5 ms apart as a separate sound, and up to perhaps 40 ms for more complex signals like music, though arguments have been made about “smearing” of the signal).


Adding broadband absorption to reduce the reflected amplitude by half (6 dB) significantly reduces the null depth. This is one of the arguments for absorption in the listening room. Real absorbers are not flat across frequency, of course, so a more realistic plot would show less change at low frequencies and much more at high frequencies, reducing high-frequency ripples to negligible (i.e. small in amplitude and close together so more readily masked by adjacent signals with actual source material).


Since I own dipoles, there is one last set of plots worth showing. The next figure shows how the response changes as you move a dipole speaker from the back wall. The frequency of the first null drops, of course, due to the longer path length. Again Hass Effect enters into the audibility since the delay also increases with distance, and the reflection will be somewhat attenuated in the real world.


How much comb effects matter is subject to psychoacoustics, something outside my field. Please start another thread to discuss that; this is just to present the background and examples. What should be clear is they exist in every system in one form or another, both distance and frequency determine their nature, and that absorption can reduce some of them (desirable or not). Diffusion can also reduce them by decorrelating (scattering) the waves so they do not recombine significantly. Diffusion preserves much of the energy so the room is not as “dead” so many people may prefer that sound.


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Excellent explanation of comb filtering. Now I have a idea of what you peeps talk about. :D
This might be interesting as well:
need do this comb in actual video to show this in an actual video , so get the mixer out and the microphones to show this in actuality
I was just reading the New Stereo Sound Book, Ron Streicher & F. Alton Everest. At the end of the chapter on Audibility of Reflections, they have a short paragraph on comb filters in stereo listening, referring to how both speaker play into both ears simultaneously on center panned sounds, with slightly different timing arrival at the ears from each speaker. Their conclusion is that it has little effect on timbre - unless you plug one ear. So with 2 ears hearing the effect from multiple directions our brain somehow perceptually corrects the timbre. I'll add that f you create the same comb filter effect and play it just through 1 speaker you'll definitely notice that even with both ears unplugged. Most people agree that if you move the speakers too far apart the phantom center gets weak. My explanation for that is we notice the overall volume change, and at wider speaker spacing the main notch from the crosstalk moves down in frequency, making a big, wide dip as low as 1000 Hz in the phantom center that side panned sounds don't have. The energy is still in the room so the reflections get back to you eventually, leading to a reduction in direct to reflected ratio, which perceptually does whatever that does.
I think diffusion is wildly underrated as a form of room treatment. It increased the comb filtering in my measurements (slightly) but also made my small room sound much larger and less closed in.
Play a 1kHz tone from both speakers, doesn't need to be loud.

Move around the room and listen to the tone. You might hear it vary a little.

Now block one ear with a finger, and repeat.

Be surprised at all the cancellation points.
Play a 1kHz tone from both speakers, doesn't need to be loud.

Move around the room and listen to the tone. You might hear it vary a little.

Now block one ear with a finger, and repeat.

Be surprised at all the cancellation points.
Wow. I like my stereo a lot less when one ear is plugged.
I think diffusion is wildly underrated as a form of room treatment. It increased the comb filtering in my measurements (slightly) but also made my small room sound much larger and less closed in.
How do you add diffusion?
I think diffusion is wildly underrated as a form of room treatment. It increased the comb filtering in my measurements (slightly) but also made my small room sound much larger and less closed in.
Diffusion should not increase comb filtering. That implies the diffusor added additional reflections at some frequency(ies).

A lot of high-end systems incorporate diffusion, but it tends to cost more than simple absorbers (more $$$ to make), and tends to be more visible as a treatment in the room.

My ideal room would have a mixture of both, but I never got around to building a set of diffusor panels even for my (decidedly non-ideal) room.
How do you add diffusion?
You can buy them from various companies or make your own. Probably a topic on its own outside this thread, which was meant to be a teaching thread focused on comb filter effects.
need do this comb in actual video to show this in an actual video , so get the mixer out and the microphones to show this in actuality
I missed this, but don't do videos. Maybe something Amir could tackle sometime.
Play a 1kHz tone from both speakers, doesn't need to be loud.
Even more dramatic at 5-10kHz, or higher depending on how high you can hear. And with the shorter wavelengths you don't have to move around the room, you can just move your head.

...My hypothesis is that we don't notice with music because music is complex (constantly changing frequencies) and maybe because we are used to it.
Diffusion should not increase comb filtering. That implies the diffusor added additional reflections at some frequency(ies).

A lot of high-end systems incorporate diffusion, but it tends to cost more than simple absorbers (more $$$ to make), and tends to be more visible as a treatment in the room.

My ideal room would have a mixture of both, but I never got around to building a set of diffusor panels even for my (decidedly non-ideal) room.
You’re not wrong, but if you’re not far enough from the diffusers, it can cause comb filtering. My room dimensions are fairly small and I’m not far enough from the diffusers to prevent comb filtering in my measurements, but personally I find that the upside is greater than the downside.
How do you add diffusion?
Personally, I’ve built most of my diffusers out of MDF. Coat of shellac to prevent the paint from from getting sucked up by the MDF and I had the whole room done in a weekend for under $300.

I’ve also purchased some diffusers 2x2 drop ceiling tiles from GIK. That worked nicely. Then I filled the drop ceiling with 12” of rockwool. That was a little more expensive but made a huge difference in room response.

Like I said, it’s a small room, but it sounds wonderful and large with a smooth in room response without the dead sound often associated with treated (or over-treated) rooms.
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You can buy them from various companies or make your own. Probably a topic on its own outside this thread, which was meant to be a teaching thread focused on comb filter effects.
Thanks! Re-reading my post I see my question seems more general than I intended. I just wanted to know what 312elements did, which he answered. I sell acoustics, so I know how our products do it.
The distance between your ears is not the same phenomenon. Comb filtering is due to localized cancellation and your eardrum not being exposed to the correct amplitude. If you L ear hears the peak of a sound wave and your R ear hears a trough its not cancelled it just sounds “out of phase”.

Also I’m not sure sound waves are inverted from a hard boundary.

Happy to be corrected…
The distance between your ears is not the same phenomenon. Comb filtering is due to localized cancellation and your eardrum not being exposed to the correct amplitude. If you L ear hears the peak of a sound wave and your R ear hears a trough its not cancelled it just sounds “out of phase”.

Also I’m not sure sound waves are inverted from a hard boundary.

Happy to be corrected…
I was not addressing head/ear effects, just reflected waves from speakers.

Correct, sound (pressure) waves do not invert when reflected; that was caught early and I thought I had corrected it everywhere but saw I missed (at least) one. Hopefully it is correct now. My background is primarily RF signals and such, where improperly terminated transmission lines do cause signal inversion, so I had a brain fart when writing this up (about ten years ago, from an earlier write-up much older than that). I got lucky in that the Mathcad files were correct, I had just typed the wrong thing in the text.
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One point to make is that the timing difference between the original and its delayed copy will result in higher comb filtering frequencies which are less harmful since the ERB's are wider. So comb filtering has a time critical window.

Let us take two examples, 1ms and 10ms. At some point, the delay will result in a 180 degree phase shift, which will produce phase cancellation. A 180 phase shift is half a cycle, therefore a full cycle (the period) is at 2ms and 20ms respectively. Because frequency = 1/t, the frequencies affected can be calculated:
  • For a 1ms delay, the lowest cancellation point is 1/0.002 = 500Hz. Additional cancellation points will be at 1.5kHz, 2.5kHz, 3.5kHz, etc.
  • For a 10ms delay, the lowest cancellation point is 1/0.02 = 50Hz. Additional cancellation points will be at 150Hz, 250Hz, 350Hz, etc.
Thus, a shorter delay will result in comb filtering occurring at high frequencies. As can be seen, a delay even shorter than 1ms may result in comb filtering occurring at mostly inaudible frequencies, for example a 0.1ms delay results in cancellation at 5kHz, 15kHz, 25kHz, 35kHz, etc.

On the other hand, delays of 20ms and above are outside the Haas fusion zone and are perceived as a separate event by the brain, so the delay is heard as space or ambience rather than a change in tonal quality.

@312elements re: diffusers, suggest you read chapter 7.3.2. of Toole "Engineered surfaces and other sound scattering/diffusing devices". I'll quote:

"Some research indicates that the perceptual sum of several mini-reflections is equivalent to a larger single reflection [references given]. This means that the ETC does not convey reliable information about audibility of reflections - replacing a high spike with a collection of smaller ones may sound less different than is visually implied".
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