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ChatGPT explains why audio and wine reviews read the way they do.

Eggs Ackley

Active Member
Sep 20, 2021
Hyperbolic and flowery language is often used in both audio equipment and wine reviews because both products evoke emotional and sensory responses that are difficult to quantify or describe using simple language. In both cases, reviewers are trying to convey their subjective experience of the product, which includes not just its functional attributes, but also its aesthetic appeal, sensory impact, and cultural significance.

The language used in audio equipment and wine reviews is similar in that it often relies on metaphors, similes, and descriptive adjectives to create a vivid image of the product in the reader's mind. For example, an audio equipment review might describe a speaker as having a "rich, warm sound that envelops you in a blanket of musical comfort," while a wine review might describe a bottle as having "notes of black cherry, vanilla, and spice, with a velvety finish that lingers on the palate."

This type of language can be seen as hyperbolic because it goes beyond simply describing the product's features and tries to evoke an emotional or sensory experience. However, it is also effective because it helps the reader understand what the reviewer experienced and how they felt about the product. This type of language also allows reviewers to express their own personal style and perspective, which can make the review more engaging and memorable.

In conclusion, the use of hyperbolic and flowery language in audio equipment and wine reviews is similar because both products are difficult to describe using simple language and both evoke emotional and sensory responses that are difficult to quantify. The use of this type of language helps reviewers convey their subjective experience of the product, making the review more engaging and memorable for the reader.
I just had an interesting (to me, at any rate) thought. Without actually bothering to read what ChatGPT might have to say, I'd expect it'd invoke the importance of the senses in experiencing both. That led me straight to the notion that reviews of porn videos* should read exactly the same way as our favorite oenophile and audiophile publications' reviews! :cool:

* If there be such things, of course. ... and no, I am not going to do a google search. :facepalm:
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