Odd probem with my Jolida JD-100 CD player.
The left set of RCA out jacks now puts out a mono signal that is out of phase. The right set works fine.
I noticed a severe drop in bass. Both stereo channels are present in both sides of headphones.
I popped the molex connector at the output jacks but see no obvious wire issues. All other wiring looks good.
Any idea what component failed. Component failure is rare in my world. Is it worth unwiring and rewiring the molex connections?
Big drag to send the unit in for repair but I need that second set of outputs.
The left set of RCA out jacks now puts out a mono signal that is out of phase. The right set works fine.
I noticed a severe drop in bass. Both stereo channels are present in both sides of headphones.
I popped the molex connector at the output jacks but see no obvious wire issues. All other wiring looks good.
Any idea what component failed. Component failure is rare in my world. Is it worth unwiring and rewiring the molex connections?
Big drag to send the unit in for repair but I need that second set of outputs.