
  1. Neto Rare

    FS: Schiit Jotunheim 2 w/ ES9028 DAC Card

    Condition: LIKE NEW Includes original packaging, manual and stock power cable Price: $375 US shipped Price is FIRM. Low offers will be ignored. PAYPAL ONLY Listed and feedbacks here:
  2. X

    Confusion over balanced output for headphones (DACMagic 200M vs. Jotunheim vs. Modius + Magnius)

    Hi, I feel a bit lost as I'm new to this space, and I'd really appreciate your help. I'm looking to get a setup that would power both a pair of active studio monitors and a pair of headphones. Both are entry-level (JBL 305P MKII and Sennheiser HD 600). At first, I had been considering buying...
  3. M

    Pre amplifier into an integrated amplifier?

    I dug my old 8ohm Polk bookshelf speakers out of my closet and thought about getting a cheap-ish power amp so that I can hook them up to my Schiit Jotunheim, which I am currently using as a headphone amp. This is for a small room, and I'm not planning on cranking the volume, so I wasn't looking...
  4. B

    Schiit Bifrost 2 & Jotunheim 2 - No Sound (!)

    Hello All, Just joined this forum. I just received my Bifrost 2 and Jotunheim 2 from Schiit a couple of days ago and just managed to set it up today. I've connected an optical cable from my PC to the Bifrost 2 and then using balanced XLR cables, I've connected the Jotunheim 2 and then out to...
  5. R

    AMP/DAC for AKG and Sennheiser cans

    I am new to the audiophile arena and need some advice/recommendations on an amp/dac for my AKG K7xx (Q701) and potentially HD8xx when that comes out. From my understanding, OTL tube amps or "warmer" amp/dac combos are best for the HD800s, but I'm looking to stick with solid state and have...
  6. C

    Opinions: Jotunheim+Modi3 vs DX7Pro ?

    Hello ASRers, first time poster. I created this account to ask what’s your opinion for upgrading from a Fiio Q1Mk2. Jotunheim + Modi3, or Topping DX7Pro (or DX7s for $200 less)? Read a lot of reviews, watched a lot of youtube, but I’m none the wiser; people rave about both, people hate on both...
  7. Veri

    New: "Jotunheim R" for Raal headphones

    This just came out: Includes AP testing from Schiit hence the thread. It says it can deliver up to 13A which seems insane. But, the distortion looks actually pretty bad at 1A already? I'm really puzzled by the AP report. Doesn't look very good at...
  8. M

    RME DAC Question

    Hello, This is my first post here. I’ve been reading through Amir’s reviews the past few days while looking into what I should get. For the past few years I’ve been using the Schiit Jotunheim with Focal Elex headphones, but I recently got the THX 789 so I would like to purchase a balanced DAC...
  9. A

    EL DAC vs SMSL SU-8 vs Topping D50

    Looking for a DAC in the $200-$300 dollar range. If it could be balanced that would be great. So far i'm deciding between these 3 DAC's (EL DAC vs SMSL SU-8 vs Topping D50). I'm going to be pairing it with either my Schiit Jotunheim or my Massdrop THX 789. Between these 3 DAC's which is best...
  10. S

    Good AMP to Pair with the Topping D50?

    Like the title says, I'm trying to replace my Schiit jotunheim with topping d50 + a new amp. When I turn it to RCA and touch the volume knob I hear noise. I believe I have one of those ******... I mean Schiit jotunheims that have an ungrounded chassis. I need to send it in. I won't have a system...
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