headphone amplification

  1. B

    Using a headphone splitter from a single amp?

    Hey everyone! I'm putting together a home songwriting studio and for various reasons I need it to be headphone-oriented but to be able to have a couple people in the room with me. I already have a few different headphones, all of which are decent (none of them are SUPER hi fi, but eg a set of...
  2. J

    Need Headphone Amp & DAC advice

    Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me decide if i should get an headphone amp and/or DAC for my setup. I have been using Sennheiser HD600 headphones a couple years with Cambridge Audio Azur 351a -integrated amp and Soundblaster Z soundcard (soundcard output Aux -> RCA input Amp)...
  3. J

    When does using a headphone amp with a DAC/amp lower noise?

    When the DAC's line-out is connected to the headphone amplifier, it's signal attenuated by the volume control and raised or lowered by the gain. Thus, using the headphone amplifier can reduce the noise in the signal going to the headphones compared to using the headphone output of the DAC. This...
  4. janny88

    Affordable Audiophile Headphones

    Hello everyone I want to know about the entry-level headphones, and I am looking for the best sound production. I appreciate the suggestion from an experienced members. Thank you in advance for your help!
  5. ParadisDruid

    Help with Volume Measurements

    Hi, 1st thread here, thanks for having me. Not sure if there are the right tags, feel free to correct me/them. I got myself a decent enough multimeter and decided to test how loud I should listen to music. After much reading, I proceeded as follows: 1. Using REW I saved to file a 0 dBFS, 1KHz...
  6. nerdemoji

    Powering the DCA Aeon

    Hello guys I'm new here and I don't know too much about this stuff. I am looking to go from tidal on a computer to some variant of the DCA Aeon. Also, I listen to metal so I like to play fairly loud music. I understand that the DCA Aeon is very power hungry but I don't know how much I will need...
  7. lkanies

    Help adding headphone application to a mic interface

    Hello, I'd love advice about adding headphone amplification to my desktop computer/mic interface/speaker setup. I am replacing some headphones I've had for ages and never loved (Sennheiser Momentum). At first I decided to get the Austrian Hi-X60. But now I'm dithering and thinking I should get...
  8. xnor

    Safe listening levels and headphone voltage/power requirements

    Heya, there's a couple of threads asking about safe listening levels and people asking about voltage/power requirements in almost any amp/headphone thread. Here's my take on this: Noise Exposure Limits The EPA and WHO recommend that noise should be kept below 70 dBA over 24 hours and below 75...
  9. L

    Which DAC/AMP combo for my Focal Clear OG ?

    Hello, I am Lartyk and am new to the forum but also to audio I recently purchased a Focal Clear OG and now I would like to find a DAC and AMP set or an all-in-one DAC/AMP that would allow me to take full advantage of it without breaking the bank I'm currently running my headphones on the Cyrus...
  10. FirstLegion

    Geshelli Labs Erish2 (E2) Almost Here!

    ERISH2 Product Page As @amirm and others have confirmed, the Archel 2.5 stands as one at the top of the heap for affordable headphone amplifiers. Then came the Erish (which I own)...Geshelli Labs proclaims to be even better. After beta testing the hand soldered Erish2 (E2), (production units...
  11. audio_noob_69

    Audio noob wants help with portable headphone DAC/AMP selection

    Dear members of Audio Science Review, Lately I have been trying to figure out how to upgrade my music listening experience. I own the Sony MDR-ZX660 headphones. I listen to music using my laptop or my phone. Usually, I listen to mp3 files (320kbps). I am not satisfied with the sound quality of...
  12. D

    How does a low ohm headset consume less power? How is this related to the amp?

    Beyerdynamic dt 770 pro 32, 80, 250 ohm all versions need 100 mW power. In this case, how is it easier to drive 32 ohm headphones than 80 or 250? if the audio interface audio output has a constant voltage ; 32 ohm dt 770 pro, uses much more amperage ( 'i' ) than 80ohm or 250 ohm dt 770 pros...
  13. P

    Distortion in Hifiman Sundara, not enough amp or driver issue?

    Hello. I'm having an issue with some brand new Hifiman Sundaras. I'm noticiong some distortion in the bass region. Using this tester , starting at 0:40 seconds, i hear some distortion along with the bass sine wave. Testing with a Focusrite 2i4 at max volume, but with YouTube at 45% i dont hear...
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