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      CrustyToad reacted to Petrushka's post in the thread WiiM Ultra with Like Like.
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      CrustyToad reacted to antcollinet's post in the thread WiiM Ultra with Like Like.
      A DAC has one, and only one job, and that is to accurately convert the digital representation of music from the source into an analog...
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      CrustyToad reacted to Ze Frog's post in the thread WiiM Ultra with Like Like.
      Awesome stuff. It's looking like my next system will be a Wiim Ultra, Genelec 8030c's, 2 SVS SB1000 Pro's then. A whole incredible...
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      CrustyToad reacted to antcollinet's post in the thread WiiM Ultra with Like Like.
      Perhaps from a third party retailer - but I doubt very much from wiim. This is because (see assumption above) the wiim already is...
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      CrustyToad replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      As many people here will confirm, power supplies are a non-issue and do not change the performance of dacs and streamers in any way
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      CrustyToad reacted to Brian Hall's post in the thread WiiM Ultra with Like Like.
      I just received a Wiim Ultra today. I had canceled my previous order, but decided to go ahead and get one for my office setup. I'm glad...
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      CrustyToad reacted to Brantome's post in the thread WiiM Ultra with Like Like.
      As mentioned several times in several places, you can turn the screen off from the touchscreen itself but not yet in the app
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      CrustyToad replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      Awesome and good to hear that you don't hear any pops or clicks! That means that the whole setup with my Genelec can be switched on and...
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      CrustyToad replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      Thanks a lot!
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      CrustyToad replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      Some questions to those that already got their units: -can you bring the wiim ultra out of standby with toshlink signal and with Spotify...
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      CrustyToad reacted to Tremolo's post in the thread WiiM Ultra with Like Like.
      "Sorry about the mess" :D
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      CrustyToad replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
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      CrustyToad reacted to antcollinet's post in the thread WiiM Ultra with Like Like.
      That is one of the most insightful statements I've ever seen on ASR summarising the nature of audiophillia. Well done. :D
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      CrustyToad reacted to Burnsy1's post in the thread WiiM Ultra with Like Like.
      OMG can you guys cut it out already! @onlyoneme sure this debate could apply to the ultra, as it could to a large number of devices...
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      That looks like some sort of Pico PSU, like this one: https://www.mini-box.com/picoPSU-160-XT - pretty unecessary to connect a linear...
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