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      Burki replied to the thread Topping Centaurus R2R.
      You don't follow my whole arguments. As written above: Using an NOS dac like the Holo Audio (cyan 2 and spring don't have an...
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      Burki replied to the thread Topping Centaurus R2R.
      My meaning it's a bit different. I'm using currently as my main dac the Holo Audio May (but also many other dacs working here on other...
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      Burki replied to the thread Fiio R7 Android Streamer Review.
      I've used the R7 a longer time with a 8TB HDD connected and it has mostly worked. For remote control with an, you've multiple options...
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      Burki replied to the thread Eversolo DMP-A6 Streamer Review.
      Mmh, I don't see the problem here in the startup time, but how standby is handled. The DMP-A6 can't waked up or shutdown through Roon...
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      Burki reacted to dgp's post in the thread Eversolo DMP-A6 Streamer Review with Like Like.
      Thank you, Keith, for sending me this link about the amplifier CXA81 once again. I have read it attentively. I have also perceived your...
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      Burki replied to the thread Eversolo DMP-A6 Streamer Review.
      The DMP-A6 doesn't has a real deep standby modus and that's the real (design) problem. You can't wakeup it through the network and also...
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