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      BobPM reacted to Chillazar's post in the thread WiiM Ultra... Am I missing something? with Like Like.
      Isn't the whole point of a streamer to avoid using a PC? There's enough room correction software for PCs out there. Alternatively you...
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      BobPM replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      I would think it really comes down to the software. The WiiM seems less likely to ever be orphaned than does the Eversolo. I haven't...
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      BobPM reacted to staticV3's post in the thread WiiM Ultra with Like Like.
      Out of the box, the WiiM Ultra would not improve sound quality over your current setup. However, if you make use of some of the Ultra's...
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      BobPM replied to the thread Streamer or PC with Roon?.
      I made the same decision a year or two ago based on the software and use case. If you really only want to use it for music, then a...
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