I totally agree. Doctors, lawyers and engineers are usually hard to deal with. Of course not ALL of them, just most of them. Doctors and lawyers know it all and our obviously (in their mind) always the smartest person in the room. Engineers are over the top technical. Generally poor teachers and jump into details that any non-audio person does not understand. But there is hope! Off on the horizon you see a guy mounted on a white horse trotting your way. He seems ten feet tall in the saddle. Once he arrives it is our own famous Amir. He is here to teach non-audio, non-engineers the basics, so they can at the very least make some value judgements and dodge the snake oil. So as I always say there a re two types on ASR, the hardcore engineers (who argue with each other) and are fun to read, then the others are regular non-engineer people who just want to make wiser decisions and learn. So, in reality you can learn A LOT on ASR. All the way into high tech engineering if you want to get into it. Long live ASR! Amir for President! Oh wait, I might have gotten carried away.