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Audioholics endorses another speaker cable

could be that trusting one's own subjective experience is the greatest mistake that human beings ever made.
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold trusted their own experience.

The only time I take subjective listening tests seriously is with speakers but certainly NOT with electronics.
With electronics, once the pertinent measurements are good enough, which is easy to do these days, then sonic differences disappear. For those who don't agree with that, it's DBT time. Speakers are a trick, and even the same pair moved to different rooms or positions in a room will produce different sound. I suspect that in audio, if its electromechanical, you'll get a lot of variability in sonic performance, even from the same model of a device, since those things' performance are partially environmentally determined.
The only time I take subjective listening tests seriously is with speakers but certainly NOT with electronics.

why ? Sighted comparisons of speakers are also fraught with biases (which is why Harman uses blinding). In the case of speakers you can assume the average listener heard a real difference between A and B, but beyond that...
I have found correlations (sometimes positive, sometimes negative) between speakers that I like and speakers that certain reviewers like. Subjective reviews from those reviewers are therefore useful to me.
I have found correlations (sometimes positive, sometimes negative) between speakers that I like and speakers that certain reviewers like. Subjective reviews from those reviewers are therefore useful to me.
The reviewers out there like just about every speaker. In that regard, you can indeed have intersection with some speakers you like and they say they "like." The verbiage they use is also vague and generic enough to many times apply to anything you can imagine. Kind of like how "mind readers" do.
The reviewers out there like just about every speaker. In that regard, you can indeed have intersection with some speakers you like and they say they "like." The verbiage they use is also vague and generic enough to many times apply to anything you can imagine. Kind of like how "mind readers" do.
I knew you were going to say that.
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I remember designing 20 kHz switched mode power supplies that Litz wire had a calculable heating advantage over solid magnet wire…that was almost exactly offset by its increased diameter…when trying to maximize the efficiency of the transformer design’s bobbin fill.

that was in 1980’s. Sigh.
Since Gene stopped doing electronics reviews (though he has restarted with a new one recently, but of a Denon integrated amp I'm not interested in) and Josh Ricci stopped doing their subwoofer reviews not much has held my interest in Audioholics. Some of the reviews used to be quite excellent. Mostly not lately, IMO. Unlike ASR, Audioholics is also loosely moderated, if at all, so nasty posts and occasional flame wars are annoyingly common, at least to my disciplined eyes. I'm glad ASR is better moderated, and one reason why I hang around here.

Interestingly, I noticed in Gene's most recent Denon review that he tried to align some of his measurements with Amir's choices (such as including SINAD measurements), and even referenced ASR, so there is hope for future improvement. Until then, this site and audioXpress are the only two sites I regularly visit.

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why ? Sighted comparisons of speakers are also fraught with biases (which is why Harman uses blinding). In the case of speakers you can assume the average listener heard a real difference between A and B, but beyond that...

Because the speakers I tend to audition measure differently from one another far more than electronics. I dont trust other's subjective reviews unless accompanied by measurements such as in Soundstage, Stereophile, and Audioholics when they did them.
Because the speakers I tend to audition measure differently from one another far more than electronics.

Yes, as noted, speakers likely do sound different. It is therefore possible to have a meaningful preference for the sound of one over the other.

The problem is that preference is still subject to 'sighted' bias. When that's in play, you're not just judging them on sound alone.
Yes, as noted, speakers likely do sound different. It is therefore possible to have a meaningful preference for the sound of one over the other.

The problem is that preference is still subject to 'sighted' bias. When that's in play, you're not just judging them on sound alone.

I agree but thats how I roll with speakers
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