1. Cosa stai cercando di migliorare che manca agli A130?
2. Budget?
3. Quali sono le tue condizioni d'uso?
4. Dove ti trovi?
1 - 3:
The JBLs have no particular problems, they are equalized according to what Amir recommended in the review. The JBL stage A130s are used in my second studio system, together with a REGAIO and an SMS D-6s. Before the D-6s I also used a subwoofer, today I use it less and less. It's a Velodyne minivee First I used the DAC of my Mac Mini M2, then I added (in November) an SMSL D-6s, which gave fantastic energy to the REGA IO, and also gave a nice punch to the JBLs making them sound full on the low frequencies, so 'is that I've abandoned my subwoofer (or at least I don't feel much need to keep it on). I'll explain the situation in more detail: I use the volume control directly from the REGA IO, setting the player and DAC volume to maximum, and listen at a distance of 1.40 meters from my desk. The speakers are positioned on 80cm stands, so I have the tweeter axis in correspondence with my ears. The listening environment is a room of around 17 square metres, with a sloping roof (attic) and an average height of around 2 metres, with two windows on the long sides of the room. Coming to the point, without the D-6s, I have to raise the REGA IO knob to 3 o'clock to get 63 dBA, while with the DAC I reach 7 o'clock (not even a quarter of the REGA IO knob) to get 67 dBA. In the range up to 85 dBA I feel that these speakers are fantastic, they manage to give me a lot even below 30 Hz thanks to the size of the room. When I go above 85 dBA (with high resolution songs for impromptu listening at high volume), I feel like I'm missing something in the high frequencies. The JBLs are equalized as Amir recommended (I would make it Santo immediately if it were possible), if I touch the equalization I can't find a significant improvement.
I would like to stay around 1000 euros, but the real problem is finding a speaker for which you have certain measurements and certain equalizations, so as to avoid going crazy doing tests and counter-tests... I use the foobar2000 EQ.
I live in Italy