Unfortunately I never had the opportunity to listen to the HIFIMAN Edition xs, but listening to some tests on YouTube (for what it's worth), I perceived the trebbles as really angular and annoying, almost sharp (I didn't check what frequency, sorry).
This is something I really can't stand listening to with headphones.
In the meantime, I ask if anyone has tried the Edition xs if it's just my impression, but more importantly if the Ollo S5X have the same possible defect.
I would use them with a Scarlet Focusrite 2i2 2gen, so I have no amplifier and I think one of these two headphones would be ideal, but I don't want to spend almost €500 on a pair of headphones that have such annoying trebbles. I can't throw my money away.
Furthermore, I only ask those who have tried both if the detail and speed of the bass, mids and trebbles are of good quality and what they think of the soundstage and stereo image of both (Edition XS and S5X)
My main use would be analytical listening, but I'm sure that with adequate equalization I would also enjoy them as listening headphones.
Thank you
Unfortunately I never had the opportunity to listen to the HIFIMAN Edition xs, but listening to some tests on YouTube (for what it's worth), I perceived the trebbles as really angular and annoying, almost sharp (I didn't check what frequency, sorry).
This is something I really can't stand listening to with headphones.
In the meantime, I ask if anyone has tried the Edition xs if it's just my impression, but more importantly if the Ollo S5X have the same possible defect.
I would use them with a Scarlet Focusrite 2i2 2gen, so I have no amplifier and I think one of these two headphones would be ideal, but I don't want to spend almost €500 on a pair of headphones that have such annoying trebbles. I can't throw my money away.
Furthermore, I only ask those who have tried both if the detail and speed of the bass, mids and trebbles are of good quality and what they think of the soundstage and stereo image of both (Edition XS and S5X)
My main use would be analytical listening, but I'm sure that with adequate equalization I would also enjoy them as listening headphones.
Thank you