Wow, someone actually in favor of SLAPPs!
I'm slowly coming around to entertaining the possibility that well-measuring DACs can sound different to young/trained ears. We spend a lot of time comparing measurements, and I believe this is the way to go. But I think there are still significant gaps when it comes to determining what measurement deficiencies are audible. Most likely just the filter, but who knows? Exhibit A is
Cameron's own meticulous testing. I know he got dragged at ASR for his "misleading," "click-bait" headline, and confusing presentation of methodology. But I thought it was a pretty good demonstration that a high tap sinc filter such as can be found in the Chord products can possibly be detected. Exhibit B is
Archimago's latest blind test, which I'd consider "suggestive" more than "probative," yet still it opens door to possibilities. Again, filters may be at play, which would be consistent with that Meridian study that
Amir mentioned during the recent Goldensound brouhaha.
That doesn't mean I agree with the subjective approach to reviewing. Just because the objective approach is imperfect doesn't mean that subjective is better. Subjective is worse still. But Cameron has demonstrated some pretty remarkably hearing and he may have been able to pick up on some stuff. All those ultrasonics
can cause problems in the audible band, after all, depending on the amp it's connected to.