
  1. M

    M&K S150 - what is a genuine step up and is this design philosophy too compromised by modern know-how?

    WHAT I'm wanting to address a popular historic design that is perhaps well surpassed by newer technology or more technically modelled speakers - the M&K S150. To decide if a replacement is a good choice... I need to better appreciate the ASR test regime; its pros and cons. WHY The review on...
  2. sweetchaos

    Miller & Kreisel S150 speaker review (by Erin)

    Thanks to @hardisj for another review! https://www.erinsaudiocorner.com/loudspeakers/m_and_k_s150/ Preference score (as per Erin): 3.4 (/w sub 6.4) Conclusion: Discuss!
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