
  1. edwardgrey

    Rpi4b vs Primare NP5 mk2 question

    I’m currently using my Rpi 4b with Ropieee XL to stream to my Topping D90SE Ext HD > : USB : > PC > : Ethernet : > Rpi 4b > : USB : > Topping D90SE I also have a more expensive streamer, the Primare NP5 mk2; unfotunately no USB out, so it would be limited to Coax or Toslink output, 192kHz...
  2. Arun Raj S

    Allo Boss2 DAC No Native DSD Play Back

    Hi All, I have purchased an Allo Boss2 DAC Acrylic version recently. The DAC is awesome and I am using moOde OS as its player. But the only issue I face is that the player not playing any DSD files in their native state, if I changed the settings to DoP, the player starts to play files up to...
  3. bkarl

    DAC recommendation for RPi4B with DigiOne Signature

    I'm planning to build a "Streamer Box" using RPi4B and ALLO DigiOne Signature. I have attached a principle diagram showing the equipment I already have at hand (shown in RED). I'm now looking for a reasonable quality lower cost DAC that I can build into the box. I was thinking of getting a...
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