
  1. S

    anyone ever use pro audio devices in HiFi before?

    for context , I have all of my hifi equipment in a 19" 27u av network rack and it looks sharp. im having a pioneer rt-707 in the shop and a 19" 4u pc for the clarette im building soon as a server for my dac. here is a 7" reel of tape I digitized on Logic Pro and remastered and its on Bandcamp...
  2. R

    Magnepan MMG & DSP

    Hi all, I recently found a pair of Magnepan MMG's listed for not a lot of money and I bought them just to get an idea why some people are so lyrical about Magnepan. I hooked them up and I have to say they sound amazing! It's not to be compared with a box speaker. Although the measurements and...
  3. PDS

    "Fast" woofers.

    I'm considering adding some subwoofers to my system, which consists of LRSs, a Minidsp SHD, and an Adcom 535II amp. The system sound very good in my smallish room, roughly 11'5", 13'6", 8'6". The LRSs are a "fast" sounding speaker. There is very minimal resonance type artifacts. Many...
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