center channel

  1. M

    Center channel placement - old fireplace

    Hi Everyone, I have a unique situation in my apartment living room. There is an old fireplace that has been drywalled over but they left an opening. I was thinking about placing my center channel speaker (Neumann KH310) there since it is at the perfect height for under the TV. The back wall is...
  2. naagratrax

    Amplified Monitor Speaker as Center Channel Horizontally

    Hello Audio Science Reviews teams ! I currently using a stereo system (Polk R700 SMLS D6 Audiophonic AP300 NC252) which gives me great satisfaction. With Dirac Stereo I'm really happy too BUT I realise that I use this system more to watch movie with my girlfriend. So I'm thinking about a...
  3. M

    Paradigm Millenia LP 2 Review & Measurements

    I had been looking for a low-profile center channel for a while. The Kef T301c was very disappointing, though the Revel C10 looks good--it's simply deeper than I was targeting. The Paradigm Millenia LP 2 retails for $549. The speaker is solid feeling and only 1.75" deep. It has the...
  4. juliangst

    Can a center channel improve stereo music?

    While planning my surround sound setup I got stuck at the questions if I want to get add a center channel or not. For movies and native surround music like Dolby Atmos music a center channel makes absolutely sense because there is native content mixed to that channel. But most of my music still...
  5. sweetchaos

    Emotiva Airmotiv C1+ Center Channel (review by Erin)

    Thanks to @hardisj for another speaker review! This is Emotiva 3-way center channel for US$300/ea. FYI, it's been out of stock for months now. Preference score (according to Erin): 1.6 (5.0 with sub) Erin's...
  6. Matias

    The Problem with Many Center Channel Speakers (by Erin)

    This is a "must see" for anyone buying center speakers! Fantastic video by Erin (@hardisj).
  7. J

    TV stand for bookshelf as center channel

    Community, I’d like to get a third Revel M106 as a my center, but finding a stand/media center solution hasn’t been successful. Most searches end up with the same short and wide traditional center shelf space. Keeping all speakers the same elevation is really the goal, and understand the TV...
  8. D

    Monoprice thx 365 center worth it for 240€?

    hey everyone quick question, looking for a new center (have the 2 way elac dcr52, but not that great) and all the well reviewed from amir ones are not up for sale here in europe, the only one i saw mentioned in some threads was the monoprice thx 365c and strangely enough, a few days ago amazon...
  9. Artsfols

    Troubleshooting the Denon X3700H AVR and center channel ...

    Recently I upgraded my music and television system from analogue stereo to a 3.1 system based around the Denon X3700H audio visual receiver. I documented the various perils I encountered along the way on the presumption that this might be helpful to fellow travellers. I'll amend this orginal...
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