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  1. R

    New Barefoot Footprint03 studio monitors

    Given the SPOC does it matter what audio interface I use with these ?
  2. R

    Audeze LCD-X Review (2021 Edition Headphone)

    After days of reading/overthinking (still thinking) I’ve decided to take the desktop amp/dac + interface route (for mic/line pres) instead of AIO audio interface only route. I’m eyeing with the budget Schiit units magni+ or heretic (basically discrete amp vs op amp) and would like to know which...
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    Audeze LCD-X Review (2021 Edition Headphone)

    I don’t know what’s that discretion on their end they can’t even disclose what ADC/DAC are using in their mixpre series... This is the only device that would suit my needs as I’ll have to do recording as well as relying on headphones 100% of the time. But I do believe in what you and the others...
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    Audeze LCD-X Review (2021 Edition Headphone)

    Sound devices tech support: “I don't have access to that data information but the MixPre II Series is designed to work with all impedances and headphones. I see the LCD-X's need a minimum of 100mW to work and I have personally used headphones that require 100mW with the MixPre series.”
  5. R

    Audeze LCD-X Review (2021 Edition Headphone)

    I’ve mailed them about it and will post the figures once I get an answer from them. Thanks
  6. R

    Audeze LCD-X Review (2021 Edition Headphone)

    Anyone’s driving an LCD-X with sound devices mixpre series ? Specs say: DAC feeding Stereo Out, Headphone Out 32 bit precision; 115 dB dynamic range (A-weighted) Headphones Out 3.5 mm TRS stereo unbalanced, 300 mW + 300 mW, for use with any impedance headphones Are these specs any good ?
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    Please help with speaker placement in my awkwardly shaped room

    Good point hmm I do believe that what matters more over room acoustics is what’s coming out of the speakers within the first metre as you can barely hear room interaction sitting that close although being too close started hurting my ears especially my right ear in the corner I could just shift...
  8. R

    Please help with speaker placement in my awkwardly shaped room

    I also vote for the second image myself I just needed more eyes to help me out Being positive I like it ! Unfortunately gonna need me another month to find out how it sounds in practice as the krk’s aren’t in stock right now will let you know as soon as I get them it’s gonna be a long month...
  9. R

    Please help with speaker placement in my awkwardly shaped room

    thanks for the thorough reply I also think the second arrangement would be more ideal mainly because of the slightly bigger speakers… I just needed confirmation. No the ceiling isn’t slanted also the blind is a regular curtain on a simple rail I’m planning to tailor it and split the curtain...
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    Please help with speaker placement in my awkwardly shaped room

    Dear ASR members, Could anyone advise which speaker arrangement would be more favorable for me in this type of room ? The size is between ~12-16 sq m I don't remember clearly. The proportions are pretty much accurate that I drew in paint. No room treatment nor room correction yet. If needed I...
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    What Speakers Would You Like Amir To Measure Next?

    Eve Audio SC3070, Focal ST6 Twin 6, Adam A8H please
  12. R

    Anyone tried Popori Acoustics electrostatic speakers ?

    Looks interesting. Would sound engineers ever use electrostatic speakers for mastering ?
  13. R

    Please help me with choosing the 'best' DAC for my LCD5s

    I'm getting a pair of audeze lcd5s and going to need the best DAC with digital outs that I can feed it into the lavry quintessence later on. Currently eyeing with the dangerous music 'source' please suggest me !
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    Request: Telegrapher Gorilla review

    Unsure if this is the right way of submitting a request but I'd really like to read an in-depth review of the Telegrapher Gorillas.
  15. R

    Replacing Dynaudio LYD48 or core series mid driver with ATC super dome

    Would it be possible ? Also where can I buy ATC spare parts ? I don't do DIY at all would be happy to pay a professional who can do it perfectly. If you know of anyone who can do this please let me know (EU).
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