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  1. F

    What to do with extra Andante?

    Recently, Elac made good on sending out a new Adante speaker thus fullfilling their warranty. The minor problem I have is that the defective Elac Adante AF61 was not picked up nor a request for return. The speaker has a seal problem, thus the bass is weak. What do I do with the defective...
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    Adante Speaker lost its bass

    Hello everyone, I just noticed one of my Elac Adante speakers lost much of its bass. It might be a sealing issue. Anyone dealt with Elac customer service? They don't seem to be to credible right now.
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    Do internal speaker wires matter.

    Paul McGowan of PS Audio had a recent YouTube post about a disappointing practice by speaker manufacturers putting in thin gauge wire inside speakers. I have always wondered if it matters. I see audiophiles buying expensive external cables to power their speakers. However, when you open the...
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    Onkyo's Dynamic Audio Amplification

    While reading my owners manual for the TX RZ810, I was trying to figure out what type of amp this was. Onkyo doesn't use the typical classification such as a/b or d, but called their amp Dynamic Audio Amplification. Is this anything special or is Onkyo using a euphemism to disguise a generic amp?
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