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      XDM replied to the thread I measured 10 subwoofers..
      Yes it would probably be perfect, nicely customizable too. But with the shipping to the EU and the taxes, it'd be € 630 and not $ 449...
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      XDM replied to the thread I measured 10 subwoofers..
      Am in The Netherlands :) Small room, so I'm not interested in very high maximum SPL. That KEF Kube 10 MIE looks interesting but I'd have...
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      XDM replied to the thread I measured 10 subwoofers..
      That's exactly what I'm looking for. I listen (music, movies, gaming) in a small room in the nearfield, so at low volume, but I like...
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      XDM replied to the thread Subwoofer Comparison.
      First of all thank you a lot @sweetchaos for all the massive effort put into this very useful spreadsheet. Some remarks from looking at...
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