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      Sound is quality is stellar. Clean, effortless, smooth and very musical. It just get out of the way really.
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      AweLoi reacted to kemmler3D's post in the thread Gear evoking emotion with Like Like.
      I give you a lot of credit for being willing to interrogate what you hear and whether it's due to the gear, and if so, how, or whether...
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      AweLoi replied to the thread Gear evoking emotion.
      I am more and more leaning towards that this experience pretty much was just a trick of my mind. After the experience with the dealers...
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      AweLoi reacted to kemmler3D's post in the thread Gear evoking emotion with Like Like.
      Late to this thread, but will repeat what others have said: Your reaction to the vinyl version could have been: Due to a different...
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      AweLoi replied to the thread Gear evoking emotion.
      Yes, you have a good point. Two things apart from good electronics that might have invoked the feeling: 1. It was a great song I had...
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      AweLoi replied to the thread Gear evoking emotion.
      I posted this question to "Ask Paul" a couple of weeks ago and his posted his response today. He gave an interesting answer, not...
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      AweLoi reacted to Mikig's post in the thread Gear evoking emotion with Like Like.
      thanks AweLoi, I read the post, which I found interesting and I watched the whole video. In a certain way, if I understood correctly, in...
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      AweLoi replied to the thread Gear evoking emotion.
      Good point! What was your findings when choosing equipment? What worked and what didn´t work?
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      AweLoi reacted to ppataki's post in the thread Gear evoking emotion with Like Like.
      That would be your best option Even bring two if needed Use REW's Room Sim to pre-simulate the results and perform measurements once you...
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      AweLoi replied to the thread Gear evoking emotion.
      "There is a real danger that you are about to fall into a very expensive rabbit hole as you chase an unobtainable sound based on that...
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      AweLoi reacted to Mart68's post in the thread Gear evoking emotion with Like Like.
      I don't know about 'proven' in terms of the subjective effect but certainly feedback loops are very real and a pickup cartridge is...
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      AweLoi replied to the thread Gear evoking emotion.
      Sounds resonable. I have been thinking of trying something like a tube DAC or preamp and see if that type of distorion is of my liking...
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      AweLoi replied to the thread Gear evoking emotion.
      That´s a very interesting! Is this a proved phenomena? I do not experience this on my vinyl setup at home but it have all my room...
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      AweLoi replied to the thread Gear evoking emotion.
      Ah, interesting point!
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      AweLoi replied to the thread Gear evoking emotion.
      Interesting. Do you mean that vibrations from speakers creates an reverb effect when vibrating the turntable? Not sure waht you mean.
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