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      AussieDan reacted to amirm's post in the thread Channel Separation? with Like Like.
      I actually run crosstalk tests more than I post there. Here is an example for the recently reviewed Teac AX-501: One of the reasons...
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      AussieDan replied to the thread E1DA Cosmos ADCiso Review.
      Hi IVX. I went and purchased a pair of USB-A to USB-C data+power cables yesterday and the ADCiso connects to my laptop. Thanks very much...
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      AussieDan replied to the thread E1DA Cosmos ADCiso Review.
      Thansk for your reply IVX. I've been thinking all along that its a power issue, but you could be right that im just getting no data from...
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      AussieDan replied to the thread E1DA Cosmos ADCiso Review.
      Thanks StaticV3. I've tried a power bank, 2 iPhone wall warts, a power point with included USB charging ports as well as just using 2...
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      AussieDan replied to the thread E1DA Cosmos ADCiso Review.
      Hi everyone, Hi IVX. I purchased a E1DA ADCiso from Linsoul. It took a few weeks to make it to Australia but i received it earlier this...
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