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My First High End IEM - 64 Audio U12t

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Deleted member 57422

Sorry for Your loss mate, now hurry up and return that little bastard.

Sadly, I checked this morning and they don't accept return nor give reimbursement nor restock.

@martel80 - Manufacturer touts it's an "... open balanced armature ...." Well Iwonder if your precise review parsings might be related to a unit that slipped through quality control [or graded "B" stock highly discounted to dealers] of it's "... 12 driver ..." configuration that "... radiate freely into a single bore ...." Otherwise we have to believe the product is fooling lots of people.

I will try to send Jared from 64 Audio another email and see if thats normal behaviour or if it might be a defect.
You might be right, it might be that something is wrong with the IEM itself.

Those frequency response graphs that are posted here are not very useful since it will vary drastically depending on how they fit into your ear.
I would definitely agree with that sentence as what I am hearing is nowhere near as what is depicted in the high frequency spectrum for those IEM. It's way too shy in the higher spectrum of frequencies compared to what the graph report.

Expensive lessons stick better than cheap lessons, I always say. :D Get rid of those things now. Return them, sell them, whatever. Get rid of that sour aftertaste and get yourself something proper. Moondrop does really well, and Etymotic is a safe bet. Maybe look into some mini monitors for travel? Properly EQ'ed and calibrated, I'm getting quite reliable and neutral sound from my iLoud MTM's, for example.
Yeah, it seems like a trade or reselling them is the only way around. I also heard great things about the iLoud MTM but its still 5 kg for both plus I think they are meant to be used with the desktop subwoofer....or I might be confused with one of their other products. Still, when I'm in South America, all the walls are made of pure cement block and every room sound like a cave so I wouldn't even imagine of puting a set of monitors in them without some heavy room acoustic treatment. It would be as useless as the U12t to be fair.

@martel80 Sorry for your expensive lesson. Before you rush to buy something else, do read some of the reviews of headphones and IEMs here. There's far less woo than I've seen elsewhere on the net (but the forum is of course not 100% objective all the time).
I will definitely not rely on any other users recommendation from the Hi-Fi world. As someone pointed out earlier in this conversation, the professional rendering and the Hi-Fi rendering are aimed at 2 different market and the experience that I am having right must be a complete proof and lesson from that specific idea.

I'm well versed in the professional market of monitoring solution (Studio Headphones and Monitors) and will stick to the well known Studio reference leading product. As pointed earlier, probably the Focal Clear (MG) or the Sennies HD800 or something along those line of well established Studio reference product. I will not go the esoteric way another time. I learned my lesson.

I did not think they sounded excessively bassy or sparkly at all. I don't discount your experience though. At this stage I am thinking either manufacturing defect, or they just don't suit your ear canal. Regardless, if you are not happy with them, you should return them.

This is an important lesson: do not buy anything without listening to them first. Measurements are one thing, but measurements on a test dummy do not necessarily transfer to your head. If you MUST buy something without listening, make sure you read the returns policy, and have it confirmed verbally and in writing. I will only pay for shipping and a reasonable restocking fee. If they don't agree, I don't buy. Simple as that.
I never said they sounded sparkly. I said that the sparkle of the percussion and cymbals on a track like ''Bob Marley - Is This Love'' was completely missing. Which completely defeat the purpose of referencing on those at that point.

Totally agree with you in regards to the defect part and restocking rules. This is something I totally disregarded thinking those would be great but I checked and they don't accept return nor reimbursement so I need to find another solution. Trade or resell seem to be the only way around, sadly.

Feel bad for you @martel80 - not sure if it relevant but I created a post the other day with my experience looking for a higher end IEM (though nothing as expensive as $2000 - I had set a budget of $250) - but most of the thread linked below is really, just explaining my process which is more / less trying to understand my own ears and the difference different size and shapes of ear tips made to the sound I heard (using Tone Generation and comparing initially with some similar AKG headphones). I wanted something both comfortable and neutral with a little bass boost and a little "higher end" than the IEM's had I previously bought. Specifically for long walks (with an iPhone) later in the year - so mostly EQ was out of the question - so I use a few good but 'harman' IEM's (truthear zero, Moondrop Chu) to do lot of experiments testing how different shapes and my own ears made before trying to figure out what higher end IEM in my price range would suit me.

Anyway maybe it can be useful: https://www.audiosciencereview.com/...cience-to-find-the-perfect-iem-for-you.43360/
I will definitely check your thread but I can assure you that as of now, I have absolutely zero intention in shopping for a set of esoteric IEM with the goal of finding a gold mine. I learned my hard lesson. I'm going back to professional grade headphones and if I feel courageous, probable try the Etymotic ER4XR. But then again, that would be quite stretch to my stupidity level at this point.

Just get Truthear Hola, your endgame hunt will be over. Not my statement originally, but I bought a set and it was very good. I'm judging prior purchases differently after this.
EDIT: You mention doing mixing work, The Hola does things different than other IEMs in this area IME, first the detail levels are easy to relate to speakers, second the upper bass is present in a way that it doesn't give everything exaggerated clarity, I able to judge whether something in fact sounds muddy of thin. For example the bass guitar on Enter Sandman is present, like on speakers, whereas most IEMs and many headphone tuck it away. A different set that I found helpful was AKG K371, I could easily hear sample layering with it, like a Linn kick drum front with a 808 tail in a pop song. I still let my speakers veto any mixing decisions because that gives me the best translatability.
I will not go the esoteric IEM way. But as you pointed, an AKG is definitely a safe value. I actually use a set of Q701 in my mixing work. I Love them dearly. But I'm going back on the safe side of the track next. No more adventure in lala land for me.

Sad story, but you have your way out: they are still brand new, so trade them in, return, sell or just dispose of any way where you can get most of you money back.

IMO you should start trying a few of the entry level 20 usd IEMs, apply EQ to fix what you need, compare to alternatives in the squig databases, and find your perfect tonality (FR curve). Only when you find higher end model following your curve then start spending big money on them. And still preferably from a store with a good return policy. Then your chances of disappointment will be close to zero.
I used a set of Mpow x3 for the past 6 month and they served me really well. I will not venture in the esoteric brand anymore. There's absolutely no way this will happen again in the near future.

Save yourself a ton of money and get something like a Sony MDR 7506 or Sennheiser HD600 instead. For IEMs, mixing on an ER2SR would 100% suffice. You’ve already had a success mixing with a BT earphone so there’s absolutely zero reasons to burn money on kilobuck HP or IEM
I'm looking for a more performant Headphone solution then the Sennies HD600. As pointed earlier, most likely something like the HD800 or the Focal Clear line.

In a few month, when I can laugh about my error and have some extra money to throw by the window, I might consider the ER4XR.

Deleted member 57422


First let me take the time to thank @martel80 for this sincere and honest review. It is a service to audiophiles. That is after all what ASR is about: LEt it be known that there is a Science to correct audio reproduction. In this ASR has constantly shown to us that there is almost no correlation between price and performance; with $7.95 DAC + Amplifier + ADC (Yes that Apple dongle is also an ADC) being superior to a $15,000.oo highly-touted-by-the- HEA-audiophile- press DAC. Other examples are countless. When objective parameters are the metrics price bear little to no correlation, to performance.
A different IEM from the same brands, the 64 Audio tia Trió IEM was reviewed here and it didn't fare well... ASR has shown to many, that the TCZ at $50.oo is SOTA. There are perhaps some IEMs that could be better than the TCZ. These have not yet been reviewed by ASR. The TCZ IEM has redefined the threshold for SOTA. It just has, but IEM being ... in-ears monitors, performance does depend to a certain degree on particular anatomy, thus the TCZ may not fit all ears... Its price point however defines how much one should pay...
I hope this is not construed as " adding salt to the wound" but next time, use an ASR review in your search for any component.


No, I don't feel like your playing with your finger in a open wound.

By the way, my apologies to Majin, I was just very irritated yesterday and took it personally which I shouldn't have. But again, I will not base my purchse on review next. No way this will ever happen, especially not from any sort of Hi-Fi community. This experience really thaught me a very severe lesson which I intend to learn from. I'm going back to my guns and will use known studio reference monitoring solution. Nothing else.

I'll still listen to 4 more known albums of different genre today with the U12t and give them a last chance.

I'm not expecting much but will report my impression and opinion later on.


Master Contributor
Forum Donor
Jan 1, 2019
São Paulo, Brazil
I used a set of Mpow x3 for the past 6 month and they served me really well. I will not venture in the esoteric brand anymore. There's absolutely no way this will happen again in the near future.
From Rtings the Mpow x3 follow more or less a Harmanish FR curve. For 50 usd I suggest trying the Truthears x crinnacle Zero.


Major Contributor
Mar 11, 2020
You probably know this, but whatever headphone you end up using is likely to require at least some EQ to be useful for mixing. This is arguably more important than the specific headphone used. I check my mixes on a HD800S and EQ using either Sonarworks or Pro-Q 3 as a VST. They are far too inaccurate to use for mixing without EQ.

Deleted member 57422

You probably know this, but whatever headphone you end up using is likely to require at least some EQ to be useful for mixing. This is arguably more important than the specific headphone used. I check my mixes on a HD800S and EQ using either Sonarworks or Pro-Q 3 as a VST. They are far too inaccurate to use for mixing without EQ.
I cant stand digital EQ'ing like Sonarwork and such for monitoring purposes. It introduce some sort of digital graininess and kill the character of the said drivers. I prefer to take the time to learn a set of cans then applying flatness and killing the character of a reference monitoring system.

My APS Aeon2, ATC SCM20 and soon Dmax Super Cubes 5 are not perfect but I learn them and know what to expect from them. Same goes to my AKG Q701 that I use sparely.

Digital eqing is a known approach that just doesn't work for me. I know some others can appreciate the rendering and would never discredit them for it. I just don't.

Deleted member 57422

From Rtings the Mpow x3 follow more or less a Harmanish FR curve. For 50 usd I suggest trying the Truthears x crinnacle Zero.

Thanks Matias but I wont go that route anymore. At least not for the next upcoming months. I learned my lesson.


Major Contributor
Jun 26, 2016
Melbourne, Australia
Totally agree with you in regards to the defect part and restocking rules. This is something I totally disregarded thinking those would be great but I checked and they don't accept return nor reimbursement so I need to find another solution. Trade or resell seem to be the only way around, sadly.

If 64 Audio refuse to look at it, there is another recourse. Send them to Amir for measurement. He has already measured them so I am not sure if he would be interested in looking at yours. But I am sure he would help an ASR member out. If they measure well, you can sell them with a clear conscience, knowing that you are not passing a defective product to someone else. But if they are off, then 64 Audio will have to take their product back, otherwise much internet shaming / loss of reputation will ensue.


Major Contributor
Feb 15, 2019
I will not go the esoteric IEM way. But as you pointed, an AKG is definitely a safe value. I actually use a set of Q701 in my mixing work. I Love them dearly. But I'm going back on the safe side of the track next. No more adventure in lala land for me.
Seems reasonable, except AKG build quality has got worse and sound quality varies by model. But keep the mindset of gear for enjoyment and work as separate. If something ends up showing some overlap it's just a bonus. Out of the 40+ sets of headphone and IEMs I've given two recommendations, the rest is not worth mentioning, including Etymotic ER4, even if you needed the isolation it's just an unvented BA with thin nozzles and deep insert tips, functionally they're not unique and not worth the price.

Deleted member 57422

including Etymotic ER4, even if you needed the isolation it's just an unvented BA with thin nozzles and deep insert tips, functionally they're not unique and not worth the price.
Thanks for mentioning it. That's just another proof I shouldn't listen to opinion and reviews.

We have many Professional music store here in Montreal. Trying a set of cans is not an issue plus I already tried a few known suspect by working on them in different studios in the past. That's the path I will be following from now on.

Deleted member 57422

If 64 Audio refuse to look at it, there is another recourse. Send them to Amir for measurement. He has already measured them so I am not sure if he would be interested in looking at yours. But I am sure he would help an ASR member out. If they measure well, you can sell them with a clear conscience, knowing that you are not passing a defective product to someone else. But if they are off, then 64 Audio will have to take their product back, otherwise much internet shaming / loss of reputation will ensue.
I'm pretty sure those are not a set of 2 defective IEM. If they were, one would sound different then the other. The chance of both IEM sounding like a consumer grade teenager product because they are defective is extremely small unless this whole hi-fi marketing is really just a load of BS and really created in subpar condition in a remote area of a jungle filled country where QC is unexistent.

But who knows, you might be right. I could open them and find a coackroach stocked in both at this point, I wouldn't be surprised.


Major Contributor
Jun 26, 2016
Melbourne, Australia
They could have taken delivery of a batch of defective drivers. If that happened, then both IEM's would sound equally bad.

Like I said, I did not think the U12t's were so bass heavy to the point where everything else was affected by this tonality. And if you read what Amir said in his review, he thought there was insufficient bass output. So I suspect there is something wrong with your IEM's. I did not bother scouring the subjective review sites because I know I won't learn anything from them, but at least Amir's measurements and ears are credible.


Major Contributor
Feb 15, 2019
Thanks for mentioning it. That's just another proof I shouldn't listen to opinion and reviews.

We have many Professional music store here in Montreal. Trying a set of cans is not an issue plus I already tried a few known suspect by working on them in different studios in the past. That's the path I will be following from now on.
That's what makes the IEM market not so easy to navigate, some Asians are lucky to have stores that let you demo:
Amazon free returns and the abundance of graphs has given me a bit more confidence to try stuff. At this point I'm referencing everything against a $20 Chinese IEM. I would call you crazy if you told me this one year ago, I can't feel smart about my prior $300 Etymotic purchase.

Deleted member 57422

They could have taken delivery of a batch of defective drivers. If that happened, then both IEM's would sound equally bad.
I think Jared at 64 Audio would have had the decency of telling me by now if that was remotely possible. That would be the minimum of professionalism expected from any serious company in regards to their products unless they are straight up crooks not being bothered about selling crap to their costumers.

Deleted member 57422

That's what makes the IEM market not so easy to navigate, some Asians are lucky to have stores that let you demo:
Amazon free returns and the abundance of graphs has given me a bit more confidence to try stuff. At this point I'm referencing everything against a $20 Chinese IEM. I would call you crazy if you told me this one year ago, I can't feel smart about my prior $300 Etymotic purchase.
That's VERY Ironic that you post a video by this specific person in this specific thread about this specific product.

I will leave it at that.


Major Contributor
Forum Donor
Feb 13, 2018
Laguna, Philippines
Heard the clears in
By the way, my apologies to Majin, I was just very irritated yesterday and took it personally which I shouldn't have. But again, I will not base my purchse on review next. No way this will ever happen, especially not from any sort of Hi-Fi community. This experience really thaught me a very severe lesson which I intend to learn from. I'm going back to my guns and will use known studio reference monitoring solution. Nothing else.
No problem Martel. Most of us here went through a similar experience as you. It can get frustrating especially when restocking fees are involved.
I'm looking for a more performant Headphone solution then the Sennies HD600. As pointed earlier, most likely something like the HD800 or the Focal Clear line.

In a few month, when I can laugh about my error and have some extra money to throw by the window, I might consider the ER4XR.

Just throwing out the caveat that yes you should still hear them out in the store first before deciding. With that out of the way, I had demoed the Clear OG/MG before, but to me I still consider it as "audiophile" tuning rather than monitoring/flat tuning where the sonic signatures are warm and NOT incisive (ala U12t but less bass presence but mids are again what I hear as not incisive/resolving especially when compared to Dan Clark Aeon X Open and Focal Utopia (2020 and not the 2022 model). HD800 is definitely the more incisive of the two, but Focal Utopia IMHO is what I consider a very good candidate for your mixing purposes since it doesn't have that overexaggerated soundstage that can make your mix not cohesive.

See Amir's review of the Utopia 2020: Flat bass response with incisive mids and treble:


Deleted member 57422

Heard the clears in

No problem Martel. Most of us here went through a similar experience as you. It can get frustrating especially when restocking fees are involved.

Just throwing out the caveat that yes you should still hear them out in the store first before deciding. With that out of the way, I had demoed the Clear OG/MG before, but to me I still consider it as "audiophile" tuning rather than monitoring/flat tuning where the sonic signatures are warm and NOT incisive (ala U12t but less bass presence but mids are again what I hear as not incisive/resolving especially when compared to Dan Clark Aeon X Open and Focal Utopia (2020 and not the 2022 model). HD800 is definitely the more incisive of the two, but Focal Utopia IMHO is what I consider a very good candidate for your mixing purposes since it doesn't have that overexaggerated soundstage that can make your mix not cohesive.

See Amir's review of the Utopia 2020: Flat bass response with incisive mids and treble:

I will definitely have a look at them, but already reading the description, I don't have the budget for investing 4K$ on a set of cans.

On a side note, I just started my 2nd day of listening session on the U12t and I can't tell what is exactly happening right now but the whole overwhelming Bass and sub frequency boost almost completely disapeared. They are almost night and day from my listening session from yesterday. Other thing I just found out is that this horrible adapter of mine ( Christ sake I hate adapters) and the 1/8 connector seem to alter the sound when I just gently touch the cable at the termination end of the cable. They are also creaking if I move the cable up and down close to the termination end.

I think there's some BS happening at the connection point of the cable with the termination connector which seem to alter the drive of the IEM.

The Moon Audio Silver dragon V2 cable with 1/4 jack termination is supposed to arrive tomorrow.

I think we might be into something here.

Will confirm later on for my 2nd day review but so far, it is looking very strange.


Major Contributor
Mar 11, 2020
I cant stand digital EQ'ing like Sonarwork and such for monitoring purposes. It introduce some sort of digital graininess and kill the character of the said drivers. I prefer to take the time to learn a set of cans then applying flatness and killing the character of a reference monitoring system.
Sorry, you lost me here. “Digital graininess” is not something caused by EQ. Also, the whole basis of this discussion is the need to eliminate the “character of the drivers”. An unwillingness to do that will have a negative effect on your mixes. But to each his own. Good luck…


Major Contributor
Forum Donor
Feb 13, 2018
Laguna, Philippines
Sorry, you lost me here. “Digital graininess” is not something caused by EQ. Also, the whole basis of this discussion is the need to eliminate the “character of the drivers”. An unwillingness to do that will have a negative effect on your mixes. But to each his own. Good luck…

It's possible to get digital graininess as he calls it or to me it's compression/soft clipping if you don't EQ correctly with the negative preamp gain


Major Contributor
Mar 11, 2020
It's possible to get digital graininess as he calls it or to me it's compression/soft clipping if you don't EQ correctly with the negative preamp gain
Well sure, EQ that is applied incorrectly, without compensation to avoid clipping, can cause distortions. But this is not a problem or characteristic of EQ per se, it’s an issue caused by improper implementation.

Deleted member 57422

Sorry, you lost me here. “Digital graininess” is not something caused by EQ. Also, the whole basis of this discussion is the need to eliminate the “character of the drivers”. An unwillingness to do that will have a negative effect on your mixes. But to each his own. Good luck…

That's a very interesting concept that you believe there and i can understand why you would say that.

On the other hand, I couldn't say such thing about using the Gennies 1031, the NS-10 or the Auratone for example.

Same apply to all monitors footprint to an extent. They have a character, a tone and a tuning that can or cannot fit your needs and everyone have their own prefrences in that regards.

In my experience, trying to fight it deliver a poor performing driver that could offer more if one was to accept it flaws and benefits.

As for the digital graininess, I could also try and describe it as a sort of lossy texture. Like if many bands where applied to a signal and created a texture that resemble more to a small sharp square band eq then a long and smooth analog roundness. It is hard to describe in word to someone that never heard it but that was just to illustrate the idea.

The point is, I don't like that texture at all. And sorry to repeat myself but I prefer to keep on trying to find something that is ''even" ( yes i know, none are and that's the whole point) by nature and work my acoustic when possible then applying eq to a driver ( especially the idea of boosting something that is just not there because of room or hardware physical limitation).

In the end, you are more then welcome to have your preferences.

Mine are just different for reasons that are just as valid as yours. Now avoiding the concept I underlined is for a whole other conversation which I don't necessarily feel we need to get into because I'm pretty sure you already knew all I just explained but you decided to focus on something that fits your believe which is also totally OK.
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