
  1. M

    Room correction options that wont ruin the sound of tube amp?

    I am buying a 2 channel stereo system that consists of an integrated tube amplifier, and a streamer/dac that has no room correction, and speakers, where all these sound great together. My brother also has the exact same system and it sounds great both at the stereo shop and his house. The...
  2. Mikig

    J.C. Verdier 220 Mk2 Control, user manual.

    Hi everyone. Saturday night question!. Are any of you familiar with this amplifier? Do you have the user manual by any chance. I can't find anything online, but there are a couple of points that I can't understand. The amplifier in question can be used in both "integrated" and power...
  3. P

    Dynaco PAS-2 Vaccum Tube Preamp/Stereo Tuner, 950$ OBO

    Preamp has an upgraded power supply. A talented friend made a wooden case also for it. Sale includes only the Dynatuner and Dyna PAS-2 Preamp items along with the wooden case. 950 OBO and shipping. SINAD probably didn't exist as a metric when it was made (1965), so this can get grandfathered...
  4. T

    CJ Premier 16mk2 Premier 140 Premier 15

    Just found this site, great stuff! Bought my first speakers Kef 104/2 around 1986 still on use today with Cj Premier mk2 with prem 140 amp and prem 15 phone amp with all cardas golden ref ics and cable along with VPI soitmaster 2 upgraded arm and old shelter 90 cartridge. Still audio heaven. The...
  5. Talisman

    Aoshida A6 amplifier: This is NOT a review

    This is NOT a review, but an overview of the Aoshida A6 amplifier DISCLAIMER I know that many on ASR completely denigrate tube products, especially the very cheap ones with more aesthetic than functional purposes, as in this case, but considering the probable intended use of an amplifier in...
  6. dpippel

    SOLD: Loxjie P20 Balanced Tube Headphone Amplifier - Mint

    This has been the primary amp in my desktop headphone system for the past year. Probably 200-300 hours on it, tops. In mint condition. Sounds great and packs a punch. Includes stock tubes plus a pair of matched GE JAN 5670W tubes (installed) from Riverstone Audio ($45 dollar value). Includes AC...
  7. Dogen

    Tube OTL headphone amp: OK to run without a load?

    Is there any risk in running a signal through an OTL tubed headphone amp (DarkVoice 336se) with no headphones? I know it’s normally not a good idea, because it could damage the transformer. But there’s not one here. I’d like to do some quick comparisons between the headphone amp on my DAC and...
  8. Dogen

    Has anyone measured the effect (if any) of tube rolling?

    I’m very much enjoying my new DarkVoice 336se tube headphone amp, and part of the fun is rolling in different 6SN7s I have on hand with my Sennheiser 6xx cans. Perhaps it’s folly, but I do think I detect differences in sound depending on the tube. Ken-Rads tend to have deeper bass, RCAs are...
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