thx 887

  1. J

    Smsl Su-9n Dac paired with Monolith THX 887

    Okay so I’m still newish to the audiophile scene here but I’ve but learning as I go. My journey right now has me with hifiman HE6SE V2 headphones and a monolith thx 887 amp. I’m looking for an amp that supports bluetooth and has a remote so I did some research and I like the smsl su-9n. I know...
  2. Mossshine

    Topping L50 or Monolith THX 887 ? or...

    Hi, I am looking for solid state amp replacement for my tube amp in case I can't fix my tube amp issues. I mainly listen to city pop and instrumental music (game/movie OSTs) but also I don't shy away from electronic music. Basically anything goes :) My current setup is: PC > voicemeeter > asio...
  3. A

    Question(s) regarding THX 789 (THX 887) and DAC (clipping?)

    Hello I'm really a full-blown newbie when it comes to this sort of things unfortunately... I currently have a Monoprice THX 887 (pretty much the same as the Massdrop THX AAA 789 I'm sure, I just made the title THX 789 since it is more well known I guess) and along with it a Chord Hugo 2 as...
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