sound card

  1. 10PSPMemSticksForMiku2007

    PSA: PC "Line" inputs inadequate for 1v RMS line-level signals. Simple test.

    Hello everyone. I have a pile of a relative's cassettes, videotapes and vinyls that need to be digitized. I am recording from the RCA output of my Yamaha KX-390 deck to the line-in of my motherboard, ASRock Z370 Extreme4. This motherboard has good sound output (to my ear) and the line-in seems...
  2. C

    Legion 7 soundcard vs Topping E30 II lite and Topping L30 II perception

    Hello everyone, I have been lurking these forums for quite a while and having read about DACs and AMPs and headphone sensitivity, I decide to buy an E30 II lite and the L30 II to help my HD 650 (maybe some planars in the future if it justifies over HD650 EQ). The reason for this is that while...
  3. kulak

    Sound card comparison (behringer umc 1820 vs motu ultralite mk4)

    Friends, I entered the calibration with my behringer umc 1820 sound card. Measurements were made starting from 125 Hz to 8000 Hz. Below are the measurement results for different headphones. behringer UMC1820 could not give me the results I wanted. So I researched a new sound card. Accordingly...
  4. kulak

    connecting amplifier to sound card

    Since our Behringer UMC sound card does not give the desired level, we want to strengthen the output with an amplifier. Our sound card has 2 channels and we need at least 7 outputs. The system we want to set up will give 130 dB output between 125 and 20 kHz and will have at least 7 channels. 1)...
  5. kulak

    I am looking for a sound card for audiology and medical use

    Audiometry is the name given to the hearing test that provides measurement of hearing and evaluation of hearing functions. Includes hearing-related tests and measurements We are looking for a sound card with at least 7 channels that can be controlled independently on each output for use in...
  6. 4buFahad

    What is the best HD 58X sound card?

    What is the best HD 58X sound card? Knowing that I have a DROP O2 + SDAC DAC/AMP and I want to upgrade, what would you recommend me to upgrade to Do you recommend a separate AMP DAC? :"(
  7. Y

    Poor sound quality via TV optical output

    I have a 2.0 powered shelf speakers (Microlab Solo 7c) that where previously connected to a non-smart-tv audio output and to a pc in its 3.5mm audio output. At that time the sound was really great and when we watched Netflix and movies from the pc we really enjoyed the sound quality, it was...
  8. 0

    Sound card up to $ 300

    I am looking for a sound card / DAC for my PC, primarily for listening to music on speakers and headphones. As a layman, I have an eye on Sound Blaster AE-7 or AE-9 sound cards. My speakers are set 2.1 and I do not plan to expand it. What sound cards do you recommend? Is it worth buying one of...
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