
  1. Matias

    MoFi SourcePoint 888 Review and Measurements by Erin

    Impressive speaker, nicely balanced. 5000 USD.
  2. Greg_gal

    Rothwell Simplex Phono preamp

    Hi Everyone, Has anyone heard the Rothwell Simplex? There’s not too much information out there but it looks good to me for under £300. I’m also considering the Mofi Studiophono which seems highly regarded and is the same price. Then there is a lot of buzz about the Schiit Mani 2 but I wonder if...
  3. A

    MoFi claimed its expensive reissues were purely analog reproductions. It had been deceiving its customer base for years.

    MoFi records controversy. Well, well, well, it looks like there is a bug in the analog chain. Conclusion: "...the anti-digital crowd has been lying to itself. “These people who claim they have golden ears...
  4. amirm

    AXPONA: Luxman,Mofi,REL,Shunyata,Vandersteen Speakers,VPI Turntable,REL, Balanced Audio Technology

    This is Philip O'Hanlon, the importer of these products, who is an absolute gentleman with great taste in music.
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