mixing audio

  1. D

    Device to mix stereo sources?

    Currently I'm sing a windows pc for audio, outputting by usb to DAC and headphone amp. I picked up a Wiim mini for streaming, so I can listen when the pc is off, but then I realised I can either use the Wiim OR listen from my pc over USB. I would like to mix the outputs, so when my pc is on I...
  2. T

    Looking for suggestions on which DAC to get

    Hello I'm new to this depth of audio but I am a producer / mixing and mastering engineer currently using Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80 ohms going through a Behringer U-Phoria UMC204HD audio interface. After reading other posts I understand in the future I will need to upgrade the headphones but...
  3. L

    Is Hifiman He400Se good choice for audio production and mixing?

    Hello, I don't know if someone has already asked this, but my question is whether the hifiman 400se headphones would be a good option for mainly producing, mixing and, in the end, listening to music? Or is there another better headphones for my purpouse in this or little above price range? Thank...
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