
  1. D

    Stick with Schiit Magnius for single ended headphones or get Schiit Heresy?

    I've posted elsewhere about my new Hifiman Sundara cans, which I really like. I have balanced 3.5mm to 4 pin XLR cable for them, and waiting for Schiit Modius/Magnius stack (they are on backorder until the 31st). I also was able to procure a pair of AKG K712 headphones. Unfortunately, these are...
  2. P

    Fiio K5 Pro and AKG 712 Pro

    Hi people! Does the Fiio K5 Pro have enough power to properly power the AKG K712 Pro headphones to their full potential? I already have K5 Pro, and I'm on the fence about buying AKG K712 Pro. Are the 712s really this power-hungry? Anybody with this combo? :)
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