
  1. RickS

    Introducing Denotiva DIY speakers!

    Well was planning to wait until a later date to announce this, but the budget Directiva project required that I exchange the Seas DXT tweeter and so it seemed the time had arrived. To date all Directiva speakers have used the DXT tweeter but as I worked on a budget version I realized that the...
  2. RickS

    Budget Directiva Project

    Ever since Directiva r1 specified the pricey Purifi woofer, there have been requests for a lower cost version. I have been shopping less expensive woofers and am prepping to evaluate them. The initial evaluation will continue with the Seas DXT tweeter but may consider others as it has become...
  3. A

    Directiva r1.2 design and build

    Having learned a ton from reading and re-reading the Directiva threads, and having my own slightly different goals, I'm posting here on my design/modification and (I hope) build process. Per the usual give-and-take, I hope this will be useful to some folks, and of course I'll be grateful for...
  4. RickS

    Active bass module plans (for Directiva and more)

    Ok, almost have my table saw cleared and speaker test stand back in place. As I have mentioned elsewhere, I have a few drivers already and am contemplating how to deploy them for many options to suit different needs. First of all, do not expect to use any drivers much larger than 8-inch ones. I...
  5. C

    Directiva R1 Sealed Build

    This is description of the build of a Directiva speaker system I started last spring. I used the drivers and enclosure from the published Directiva build but deviated on the design of the crossover. The system was intended for both home cinema and two channel music playback and will be...
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