
  1. W

    Schiit Modius E vs Fiio K7 vs Topping E50 and more...

    Hello everyone, I'm new here. I'm trying to buy a DAC to match with my Sonus Faber Lumina 2 and just don't have the budget for expensive multi thousand dollar worth DACs; however, Schiit Modius E, Schiit Modi+, Topping E50, Cambridge audio Dacmagic 100, Loxjie D30 and Fiio K7(because of the dual...
  2. L

    Thoughts on super cheap chi-fi brand DACs?

    Googling around I've found a lot of DACs like this one: Only 48 bucks and free shipping for what I quote, is a "ES9038Q2M + XMOS XU208" DAC from some chinese brand called HIFIvv, which I cant seem to find any information on for the life of me...
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