
  1. ReDFoX

    An attemp to make subjective and objective analysis of Bowers&Wilkins 685 S1 bookshelf speakers

    Hello ASR, this is my first attempt posting something here, so I'm sorry in advance for mistakes that I could made. English isn't my primary language so I'll try keeping things as clear as possible. I've been in "read-only mode" and recenly realised that I gained more knowledge over this year...
  2. K

    B&W 706S2 to KEF R3, M16 or Linton?

    Hello everyone, A search for new speakers is always a challenge. Currently I have the Bowers & Wilkins 706S2 at home as my main stereo setup and I'm somewhat pleased with the sound of them. They sound very good with Jazz but I have the idea that they aren't a relaxed listening. Much details and...
  3. Jukebox

    B&W 804 D4 review and measurements by Stereophile

    Courtesy to mr. John Atkinson and Stereophile we have the measurements of the new 804 D4. For many this speakers could be the best bang for buck in the 800 D4 series and the one with the most upgrades compared with the older model (reverse wrap cabinet; down fire port + plinth, new spider for...
  4. Matias

    B&W 800D4 series

    Seems to have leaked. On the tech front, the loudspeakers include the company’s Continuum Cone, FST and Biomimetic Suspension technologies. The result of an eight-year research program, the composite Continuum Cone – used for both midrange and mid/bass applications – is combined with the...
  5. M

    B&W 705 Signature Measurements | Stereophile At a $1000 premium over the $3K 705 S2, it features a higher end finish and an optimized crossover. Stereophile measured the original 705 in 2004, where the price was $1500 (inflation calculator puts...
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