
  1. J

    Bi-amp front speakers with receiver (internal) and external integrated amp?

    I have the following amps: - Yamaha RX-A4A (receiver) - Yamaha A-S1100 (integrated) Currently, the fronts (KEF R11’s) are powered solely by the integrated. It’s connected to the pre-out from the receiver. The receiver only powers the surrounds and center (KEF R3’s and R2C). Can I bi-amp the...
  2. M

    Semi-active bi-amping

    Hi, I have an integrated amp and a power amp - the amp stages are identical. I have the opportunity to use them for bi-amping (speaker manual mentions it specifically, though nothing about active and/or passive bi-amping). Having an integrated amp mean that I cannot fully active bi-amp, but...
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